Porsche 911 Turbo '88

Hello. For the seats, look up "Recaro Classic C". I found one reference photo that shows those exact seats and the steering wheel type. Not common at all, but they are real. I agree, there is essentially no detail in the interior.

Thanks Scott, I managed the find some pics. This helps a tonne. 🙂

that looks amazing! i will keep the pictures for when i build mine 🙂

Nice progress! The interior is awesome! To use the belt material for the speakers- fantastic idea!

what a work on sanding the body....i think, i would remove the paint and start again, before i sand it llike you...
I wouldn't have the patience for that...respect to your work!

Thanks Dominik, the arms are feeling it today lol.
The TS-14 has now dried and is looking a million times better. Happy to proceed with it looking how it does now.
Peter, I tried calling you earlier. Call me back when you can. 🙂

Spoke too soon. Under the light the orange peel is very evident. Will sand it back again and see how I go. 🥵

Now that's some perseverance paying off! It took me three colours to get a decent paintjob, not as fine as yours though. Well done Young Peter 👍

Peter this build is knocking your previous best over the deep long on boundary fence! The paint is just glorious! One thing I would recommend though is to put a little wax over it. It will shine a bit better and the wax will prevent damage to the paint when dusting it off over the next fifty years. Big thumbs up from me, just beautiful!

I do not know how many hours of sanding and polishing you have investment on this 911, but the results speak by themselves!!

Awesome Peter! Simply awesome! Paint maketh the model and you have done it in the toughest colour of all! Well done mate, bloody well done!

Thanks so much guys! Hopefully not too much longer before it's completed.

I ignored this build so far. I shouldn't have. I admire your perseverance and praise the result of your pain(t) and polish job.

Nice job with masking the headlights, which I found to be almost impossible. I have this kit also and the headlights didn't go so well on mine. Found out the hard way that clear parts don't like lacquer thinner.

Thanks Michael, I'm glad I preserved and got the result I did. Lots learnt from doing this.
Thanks Scott, that was one of the more difficult parts. The way I masked them was to create a cylinder of tape around the headlight, to butt up to where the black would start. I then placed a thin blue-tack hat on it to cover the clear part. I was very lucky there was no bleed.

The model is complete! Last time I paint a model in black lol.

That's a build to be proud of Pete. Simply stunning. I hope you are happy with it because I would be.

Gorgeous result for a Younger Peter. Very well done, and I too would be very happy with her 😄

well done! looks amazing.
only one "mistake": please change the numberplates from front to back 😉
technical control stamp is mounted on the front, belongs to the rear (round stamp is rear, angular stamp always on front) 😉

Stunning result. Without additional information you would take this for a real car on any of the outdoor pics.

Thanks everyone! ☺
Peter, I am proud of this one. Again, I couldn't have done it without you!
Very happy Martin, especially when you refer to me as "younger" 😅
Dominik, oh no, I might have to go back and check the instructions on that one. Thought I had it right. 😳
Kyle, aren't they gorgeous. I was very lucky the paint didn't bleed when doing them.
Michael, thank you! I was proudest once I got it outside in the sun. The hobby light shows all the little mistakes haha.

Huge amounts of elbow grease and lots of perseverance, but the result is simply amazing!!!

Pete, I think I need some guidance on painting. Can I come and visit if I bring presents?

I might also point out to everyone that this is Pete's 5th model build. This bloke has talent!

Fifth? 😳😳 He's already better than me! 😂😂 That's some seriously impressive work!

Thank you everyone! Your comments mean a lot. 🥰
Peter, it was all that wet sanding mentoring, so thank you!

Im curious, I have this model and want to paint it black too, did you do a different black for the outside details (around the windows, rear wing grill, front and back, handles,etc) ? as it is one big piece it feels like a pain to mask and paint everything!!

Hi Phil, it was all done in the same black because I also did not want to mask it. For contrast the body was polished and the trim was hit very lightly with a 3000 grit buffing stick, which brought it back to more of a matte finish.

good idea, yes the trim are tricky on this model masking the wing behind is very annoying

I went through the pictures again. That 911 turbo looks so awesome and makes me to want one too.
I noticed, that the rear reflectors aren't red - as I can see on pic56. Did you see that?
But I saw, that not each 911 has those reflectors. This is a RHD
Album info
This is the Tamiya model without the engine. A quick build with a lot of parts already built and others easily snapping into place without glue. This is the least amount of parts I've ever seen in a kit. This one is all about the paint job. I feel like Tamiya really dropped the ball here. The interior doesn't match that of the 1988 Turbo, but rather a terrible combination of all kinds of Porsche models. I have never seen the seats like the ones provided in the kit and cannot find a reference photo to match them from any decade of the 911. The steering wheel is from the 1984 model and the doors and bucket seats are a lazy interpretation of all models combined into one. Albeit, I'll be using photos of the 1988 model to colour match and make up the rest as I go to the best of my knowledge. The exterior matches the 1988. Its just a shame that the spoiler and side skirts are already in place, so there is no work to be done here.