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Hans Joachim Koerver (AchimKoerver)

German SM U-140 Uboat cruiser raiding the US Atlantic coast in 1918


10 23 August 2022, 16:48
Oh, wow, was this a real thing? I had no idea! 🙂
 23 August 2022, 19:23
in looks in any case 🙂
 23 August 2022, 19:26
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Excelent Build Job 👍👍👍👍
 24 August 2022, 06:34
Jan Peters
Great work, love the crew figures, really brings the subject to life
 24 August 2022, 07:08
Nice model. Was it scratch built?
 24 August 2022, 09:18
Very good build and interesting story!
 24 August 2022, 10:22
Hans Joachim Koerver Schrijver
hello, it is a modell kit made with 3D print - PLA and Resin. 240 parts, available with some more infos at
 24 August 2022, 17:33
Hans Joachim Koerver Schrijver
some historical background here:
 24 August 2022, 17:36
 25 August 2022, 07:00

Album info

The 3.000 tons German Uboat cruiser SM U-140 raided the US north-east coast in the summer of 1918. His victim on August 4, 1918, was the American 10.000 GRT tanker O.B. Jennings, which sank after heavy artillery fire from U-140's 15 cm guns 100 miles off the Virginia coast.
3 units of the U-139 class were build. After the war the U-140 became the USS U-140 (1919-1921), and U-139 the French Halbronn (1921-1935).

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