Special Air Services JeepBekijk: Diavoorstelling Mozaïek Lijst 1March 11, 2023Scratch built straps for the water bottle and bag, and you may just be able to make out the hose from the condenser. 2March 11, 2023 3March 11, 2023Scratch built straps on the glasses 4March 11, 2023 5March 11, 2023 6March 11, 2023Scratch built straps for the Jerry cans. 7March 11, 2023Scratch built straps for the Jerry cans. 8March 11, 2023 9March 11, 2023Strap scratch built for the machine gun drum Opmerkingen 5 11 March 2023, 18:09Villiers de VosVery nice work. 11 March 2023, 20:47Album infoIn homage to those Rogue HerosSpecial Air Service Jeep9 afbeeldingen1:35VoltooidAlle albumsBekijk alle albums »