Martin Oostrom SchrijverQuick check to see if everything is there for the Groupbuild
29 April 2023, 10:23
SpanjaardCertainly looks like a good start!
8 May 2023, 07:25
Martin Oostrom SchrijverThe original kit is older than I am 😂
8 May 2023, 12:11
Peter HardyOk, I am falling behind. Hobby day today.
18 October 2023, 21:50
Martin Oostrom SchrijverAs I had the day off, some hobbytime was claimed 😄
27 October 2023, 17:10
Spanjaardlooking quite good, any paint on it?
23 December 2023, 22:53
Martin Oostrom SchrijverNope. There's a storm blowing the last few days
24 December 2023, 00:08
SpanjaardIf not finished maybe you can ask for extension 😉
4 January 2024, 17:26