Albums (12)
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11 afbeeldingen
Fairey Swordfish Mk.I
Some decals were added to the fuselage. Next, I'll spray them with a matt coat to fix their unflattering appearance.
Project: Fairey Swordfish Mk.I
9 afbeeldingen
Bristol F.2B Fighter Weekend Edition Eduard
More progress on the wings. Experimenting with shading the ribs.
29 afbeeldingen
Dornier do 335
After quite a long break, I returned to my workbench and painted some of the smaller parts. I went a little too heavy wi...
Project: Dornier do 335
4 afbeeldingen
Gotha G.II/G.III WW I Roden
I had originally painted the whole interior wood but then realized that was a mistake. The real interior of the Gotha.II...
Project: Gotha G.II/G.III WW I Roden
10 afbeeldingen
De Havilland DH.82a Tiger Moth
Here are some better photos of my tiger moth. I noticed that the old ones were out of focus so I think these will be mor...
Project: De Havilland DH.82a Tiger Moth
12 afbeeldingen
Heinkel He 51 
Rigging completed. There are still a few things I would like to change but it's pretty much done.
Project: Heinkel He 51
33 afbeeldingen
Kawasaki Ki-61-Id Hien 
The kit is complete now. my biggest issue with this build was the decals they did not go down very well, I used micro so...
Project: Kawasaki Ki-61-Id Hien (Tony) Tamiya
5 afbeeldingen
Roden Felixstowe F.2A
Here are some higher quality photos of my felixstowe. it's been through a few accidents so it's not quite perfect but I ...
Project: Roden Felixstowe F.2A