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Gaius Baltar (GaiusBaltar)

Albums (7)

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202 afbeeldingen
DioramasView album, image #63
"It happned in Roswell" Diorama regarding the suspect ufo crash in Roswell in 1947
48 afbeeldingen
Ships and water related modelsView album, image #1
IJN Kongo Fujimi 1/700
117 afbeeldingen
Airplanes 1/72View album, image #1
Westland Wessex by Italeri, this was used by the Royal Navy in Malaysia in the late '60s.
42 afbeeldingen
Airplanes 1/48View album, image #40
179 afbeeldingen
FantasyView album, image #1
Wild Africa, a close encounter between a young elephant and a crocodile
49 afbeeldingen
DinosaursView album, image #1
45 afbeeldingen
Tanks View album, image #1
The original kit is Dragon 6245, built OOB, Tamiya and Lifecolor paint, Zimmerit home made by myself with milliput