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W Szczecinski (P3P5I)

Albums (31)

Toon alle projectalbums Blader door projecten

Nieuwste projectalbums

6 afbeeldingen
Italeri PZL An-2View album, image #1
Project: Polish Wings
1:72 Antonov An-2 Colt (Italeri 091)1:72 MiG-29A Fulcrum (Airfix A04037)1:72 MiG-29A "Fulcrum" (Italeri 1377)12+
10 afbeeldingen
Italeri Su-25 "Hrabe"View album, image #1
1:72 Sukhoi Su-25 Frogfoot A (Italeri 089)1:72 Boscombe Down 1992 (Xtradecal X033-72)
6 afbeeldingen
Airifx Vought OS2U KingfisherView album, image #1
1:72 Curtiss P-40B Warhawk (Airfix A01003B)1:72 Mitsubishi A6M2b Zero (Airfix A01005A)1:72 Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat (Airfix A02070)3+
4 afbeeldingen
Airifx MiG-29 (new two-tone grey camo)View album, image #1
Project: Polish Wings
1:72 Antonov An-2 Colt (Italeri 091)1:72 MiG-29A Fulcrum (Airfix A04037)1:72 MiG-29A "Fulcrum" (Italeri 1377)12+
5 afbeeldingen
Airfix Supermarine Spitfire PR XIX View album, image #1
1:72 Focke-Wulf Fw190A-8 (Airfix A68210)1:72 Hawker Hurricane MkI (Airfix A02082A)1:72 Messerschmitt Bf109E-3 (Airfix A68205)6+
6 afbeeldingen
Airfix Hawker Typhoon Mk.IB (A02041A)View album, image #1
It was meant to be finished just in-time for the 80th D-Day Anniversary, but life being life, few months later, I'm call...
1:72 Focke-Wulf Fw190A-8 (Airfix A68210)1:72 Hawker Hurricane MkI (Airfix A02082A)1:72 Messerschmitt Bf109E-3 (Airfix A68205)6+
4 afbeeldingen
Airfix MiG-29 (two tone grey)View album, image #1
Another Airfix MiG-29 this time as '56' from 23 Baza Lotnictwa Taktycznego (23rd Base of Tactical Aviation), Minsk Mazow...
Project: Polish Wings
1:72 Antonov An-2 Colt (Italeri 091)1:72 MiG-29A Fulcrum (Airfix A04037)1:72 MiG-29A "Fulcrum" (Italeri 1377)12+

Show all project albums Blader door projecten

Andere albums

6 afbeeldingen
Airfix Shorts Tucano T.1View album, image #1
3 afbeeldingen
Airfix Supermarine S6.B View album, image #1
3 afbeeldingen
Red Arrows BAe HawkView album, image #1
4 afbeeldingen
Heller's Mrage 2000CView album, image #1
10 afbeeldingen
Armoured Vehicles 1/72View album, image #1
Academy Stryker in 1/72 scale, stowage by & some scracth made boxes
3 afbeeldingen
Subaru Impreza WRC 2002View album, image #2
0 afbeeldingen
Christen Eagle I

This album does not contain any images.