Tråd startet av MotatimMotatim Stanislawla til et nytt fotoalbum24 bilderRei Ayanami 1:8Return to painting 3 years have passed Prosjekt: Rei AyanamiScratchbuilt 13 3 November 2021, 09:49Monalooking forward to seeing more .. 9 November 2021, 02:29Simon NagorsnikI'm in too! Want to see more!! 10 November 2021, 08:46Robin (WhiteGlint)👍 👀 10 November 2021, 09:00Motatim Stanislaw ForfatterThanks!) 10 November 2021, 13:46Motatim Stanislaw ForfatterThis type of figure is no longer relevant, because I was satisfied with the result and I decided to start painting with a new and different colors. 12 March 2022, 12:35Nyhetsstrøm »