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Ray Harryhausen's Rhedosaurus - Soft Vinyl Kit SA9025M
3 of the 4 tail segments! These alone measure about 13" in length!
Prosjekt: Ray Harryhausen's Rhedosaurus
8 20 January 2024, 03:35

I had no idea you could use baking soda to speed up glue or improve its integrity. This is a fun one. I loved the maw and teeth work that you've done.
26 January 2024, 01:39

@Jennifer: I learned that from Adam Savage (of Mythbusters fame)!
@Ben: As do I! Love me some Ray Bradbury 🙂
27 January 2024, 01:50

Thanks, Gorby!
I have been very pleased with gradually altering the fleshtone of the paint and experimenting with the varnishes to try to get different effects. 🙂
12 March 2024, 14:13

Hi, Jennifer!
Thank you!
I'm very pleased with its mouth. Was fairly pleased so far with the hide, but have run into a snag - for some reason the wash (same I've used all over its right side) is now reacting with some of the yellow/bright greens on the left side and turning them off-white. :|
Same paint brand (Mission Models) in the wash so I have to wonder if it's a thing with the wash aging, perhaps??
I really wanted to like Mission Models, but seriously considering going back to Tamiya given my experiences on these 3 recent kits.
Maybe it's me - maybe it's them. Either way the result is not optimal. LOL
16 March 2024, 13:47