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Ukraine USVView album, image #4
Prosjekt: Ukraine USV
1:35 Maritime Drone (USV) (MikroMir 35-028)
13 16 April 2024, 09:27
Robert Podkoński
Watching 🙂
 16 April 2024, 17:34
Ryan G. F. Young
1  28 September 2024, 16:03
Naram Forfatter
put on hold as it is in cargo transit.
 20 January, 16:05
I'm in
1  9 February, 09:36
Naram Forfatter
thanks Finn, after 5 month of transit the cargo just arrived in Port au Prince port. but will need at least one more month. I hope it will arrive one day, regarding the condition of the models..... I keep you posted.
 9 February, 14:14

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