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24 9 July 2024, 06:40
A stylish beauty
 9 July 2024, 07:34
Ropen Forfatter
Thank you so much!!
 9 July 2024, 20:10
Villiers de Vos
 10 July 2024, 01:59
Ropen Forfatter
Thanks Villiers, I took my time with this, i waited a day for everything in between to dry, from decals, coats, I don't know but I figured it would make a small difference. Old self would had done this in a few days, I think the fact that kits are super expensive than when they sold at retail, motivates me to have some patience! Thanks again!
 10 July 2024, 18:41
Michael Kohl
Pretty decent work.
 10 July 2024, 20:46
Nice finish, on the Ferrari
 10 July 2024, 21:58
Ropen Forfatter
Thank you so much!
 16 July 2024, 00:33

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