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Antonio Bujan Maričić
markerte denne som til salgs/byttbar
Tornado IDS Limited Edition
Eduard 1:48
11165 2022 Nye dekaler
3 August 2024, 16:47
Eric Silbaugh
Is this still available
 6 September 2024, 17:00
Antonio Bujan Maričić Forfatter
Hi, yes it is.
 6 September 2024, 18:28
Eric Silbaugh
Do you ship to the us?
 8 September 2024, 22:23
Antonio Bujan Maričić Forfatter
It's possible, but I don't belive that you will be satisfied with price of shipping since shipping cost to USA is 35eu
 9 September 2024, 08:56
Eric Silbaugh
Dang. That is alot. I wonder why?
 9 September 2024, 15:55
Antonio Bujan Maričić Forfatter
Croatian post has abnormal prices and I don't know why but its not possible to send economic packages out of EU, only premium is avilable if it's going out of EU. You can check on Croatian post website
 9 September 2024, 16:24
Eric Silbaugh
I wonder if it due to the government being well governments.
 10 September 2024, 15:09
Antonio Bujan Maričić Forfatter
I don't know man, but when you compare our salaries with our prices here in Croatia, it's more than sad. Just imagine that here in Croatia average month salary is 900eu, and prices of groceries are wild, 1kg of bread is 3eu, 1L of milk is 1,50-1,70eu, month rent for a small 1 bedroom apartment is cca 700eu month, ....
 11 September 2024, 05:44
Eric Silbaugh
It getting bad here too. Grocery chain are now admiting they are gouging prices.
 15 September 2024, 02:12

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