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29 2 October 2024, 09:05
Looks very good!
 2 October 2024, 09:19
Rui S
Great weathering Work 👍
 2 October 2024, 10:37
Findus Forfatter
Hallo Rui und Neuling. Vielen Dank für eure Feedbacks.
 2 October 2024, 11:06
Robert Podkoński
Good job indeed!
 2 October 2024, 11:48
Findus Forfatter
Hallo Robert. Vielen Dank...
 2 October 2024, 12:23
George Williams
Can you drive across a ploughed field with a basket of eggs without breaking any?
 2 October 2024, 14:33
Findus Forfatter
Hallo George
Keine Ahnung, ob das sie alte Kiste noch bringen würde. Der Unterboden ist schon verrostet 🙂
 2 October 2024, 15:19

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