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Yak-1b NeuNeu 43View album, image #22
End of winter 1943
1:48 Yak-1b (Hobby 2000 48034)
34 1 February, 16:25
Mr D
A nice kit 👍 Like the YaK-1 and 3
Great wing shape 👍
1  5 February, 22:16
Rui S
Great Paintjob 👍
1  9 February, 17:29
Mr D
Very nice job.... Battle beaten war bird...hard worked with a natural effect, nice work... Like it 😃👍
1  9 February, 22:44
Dom SAVE Forfatter
Thanks a lot for your kinds words gentlemen.
 10 February, 17:43
Excellent white wash weathered look!👍
1  1 March, 01:02
I agree with BetterTimes-Henry
1  1 March, 09:42
Dom SAVE Forfatter
Thank you very much, a defect that is not too visible is that we do not distinguish enough the two shades of green of the "summer" camouflage under the white. The chipping has almost merged them, it is a bit of a shame.
 1 March, 11:13

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