Tråd startet av Paulus1412Paulus1412la til et nytt fotoalbum2 bilderChevrolet 15 CWT in The Netherlands1:35Prosjekt: Chevrolet 15 CWT in The Netherlands 12 5 March, 13:11Mojo DeVirusThis is a nice diorama !!! 5 March, 13:21PepeNiceeee!!!! 5 March, 15:06Rui SI agree 👍 5 March, 16:04gorbyBeautiful work! 5 March, 16:32Paulus1412 ForfatterThanks 🙂 Did a small change so the beret is now khaki instead of black. 5 March, 17:39LeblogeSuperb ! 🫡 5 March, 18:44Nyhetsstrøm »