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Juan M Leria
I think we should not use the prefix mission designation (as in JA-37) in the 'topic' field for Saab aircrafts but just the model number (Saab 37 Viggen, Saab 32 Lansen...). We have now two topics for the Viggen.
Ring Raiders
Saab JA-37 Viggen
Revell 1:144
4027 1991 Nye dekaler
28 May 2012, 11:59
Urban Gardini
Yes, I agree on that! The two topics on Viggen has bugged me since I first saw it but I've not said anything 'bout it.
 28 May 2012, 12:26
Urban Gardini
But acording to the boxart here above it isn't a JA version at all...
 28 May 2012, 12:27
Urban Gardini
And one thing that goes for all SAAB aircrafts n' cars as well is that the name is an acronym for Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget n' should therefore be spelled with all capital letters.
 28 May 2012, 12:32
Juan M Leria Forfatter
That's right, but other than the logotype the own company write 'Saab' everywhere so...
 28 May 2012, 14:09
Juan M Leria Forfatter
Even more, in fact they are TWO companies: 'Defence and security company Saab AB and the car manufacturer, Saab Automobile AB, are two different companies with unrelated ownership structures.'
 28 May 2012, 14:11
Viggen topics merged
 28 May 2012, 14:41
ps: Saab will stay Saab😉....the other one is toooo long 🙂
 28 May 2012, 14:44

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