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Tråd startet av Herr Larsson

Thomas Larsson
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27 20 March, 13:52
Lorraine Lin
2  20 March, 13:57
Great build & paint work!👍🏻
1  20 March, 14:27
Thomas Larsson Forfatter
Thank you J35J!
 20 March, 14:32
Rui S
I like it 👍
1  20 March, 17:35
Jätte snygg 👍🇸🇪👍🇸🇪
1  20 March, 17:39
Marcin Terlikowski
Nice work! In my work queue as well. Any issue with the kit?
1  20 March, 19:13
Robert Podkoński
1  20 March, 19:16
Thomas Larsson Forfatter
Thanks Marcin Terlikowski! Yes there were some fit issues and gaps, especially on the undercarriage. The biggest issue was the alignment of the air intake between the cowling and the main fuselage. Apart from that was it a fun build and the cockpit details are pretty nice.
 21 March, 08:29
Great paintjob!
1  21 March, 09:24
I agree with Alberto. 👍
1  21 March, 09:26

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