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76,2mm AA Gun M1931(3-K) with carriage
Construction completed, base color airbrushed
Prosjekt: 76,2mm AA Gun M1931(3-K) with carriage
14 7 March 2017, 18:13

insane detailing. a work or art. it is almost a pity to paint it. but will be certainly be a stunner when finished!
7 March 2017, 21:58

Thanks for your comment, Spanjaard!
To be honest - I feel much more comfort with construction, than with painting and weathering.
I thought of finding a fellow modeler, who has the opposite preference, but I'm not quite sure how we can manage the sharing of a finished model 😉
9 March 2017, 11:45

yes, the operational part my work, but keeping them would be a delicate operation! unless you do two of each kind of course 😉
9 March 2017, 22:14

Thanks for your kind words David, Alec, Michael and Gorby!
It's good to be back- where I left 7 years ago.
Hopefully my mojo lasts to finish this Shelf Queen...
17 March 2024, 18:14

I don't know about your mojo Angel but looking at this masterpiece shore helps in restoring mine. I mean, someone can like or dislike your models, but anyone who ever made a scale model have to respect the efforts you are putting into your creations. The thing that impresses me the most is amount of computing power needed for taking project like this to its and.
7 July 2024, 16:07

Thanks Bogi!
Please find your mojo again because I admire your Desert War subjects very much!
8 July 2024, 14:45