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Chris Bayards (Medic53067)

1965 Shelby GT350-R

Photo 1 of 15


8 13 September 2023, 01:28
Dominik Weitzer
like it, looks good.
 14 September 2023, 05:25
Chris Bayards Forfatter
Thank you!
 15 September 2023, 00:01
Bob Hall
So Gorgeous !
 15 September 2023, 01:29
Chris Bayards Forfatter
Thank you, Bob!
 16 September 2023, 04:52
Chris Bayards Forfatter
Thank you!
 29 September 2023, 00:57

Album info

This was the second of 3 “tribute” cars that I did in memory of Ken Miles. This was the “Flying Mustang”! It was a pretty old kit but it went together with nearly zero issues. The rear taillight panel/roll pan is a bit of a challenge. The interior is decently detailed, the chassis was pretty basic as was the engine/transmission. Painted with Tamiya Racing White which is close to Wimbledon White.

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