Focke-Wulf FW 190 D-11
Photo 1 of 10
1 31 December 2011, 20:19

Perfect model and photography (zoom lens?). The camo is terrific, nice subdued semi-gloss sheen and very balanced weathering/shading. Exceptionally clean details, could easily be disguised as a real aircraft. That's how I'd love my models to look like. Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year, Norman 🙂
1 January 2012, 10:57

Hi Burkhard,
thank you, i use a Tamron SP AF 17 - 50 mm F2,8 for my Canon 40d
1 January 2012, 11:34

Beautiful Dora, I like the painting and finish, I agree with Burkhard.
1 January 2012, 11:45

Nice work Norman, beautiful colours. Can you give me the numbers of the paints you used for the camo ? Great job 🙂
1 January 2012, 13:07

Hi Tony,
Yes, here ist the colorlist: fuselage and top of the wings, Gunze H421 RLM 81, H422 RLM 82, H423 RLM 83 and H417 RLM76.
Underside and wings: Gunze H423 RLM83, H417 RLM76 and Alclad2 ALC-101 Aluminum, ALC-119 Airframe Aluminum.
1 January 2012, 14:54

Thanks norman for your help and keep up the beautiful work
Grtz tony
1 January 2012, 14:59

Moinsen Norman.
Schickes Modell. Rundum gelungen in meinen Augen. 🙂 Freue mich schon auf den nächsten Stammtisch inklusive "live" Begutachtung
1 January 2012, 19:42
Album info
Focke-Wulf FW 190 D-11 <58, Verbandsfuehrerschule des G.d.J. (Eduard Weekend Edition 1/48)