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David K (RelentlesStorm)

RFM Tiger Late w/Interior

Photo 1 of 18


32 23 May 2024, 12:00
Mr James
Great detail on display. Lovely camo painting too. Great build
 23 May 2024, 13:31
David K Forfatter
Thank you!
 23 May 2024, 21:06
Rui S
Great work allround 👍
 23 May 2024, 21:18
Yes. Very interesting details to see. Very appealing paintwork!
 24 May 2024, 09:17
Pietro De Angelis
Beautiful job, congrats!
 24 May 2024, 09:41
Excellent work! Love your channel, a fellow subscriber here!
 12 December 2024, 13:51
Mr James
Trez - Your snarky 'knowledge' comment is rather unfair. This site is open to and used by a wide spectrum of model makers. From history buffs to kit bashers. If you like to count the rivets on your builds and others, then that's perfectly fine. But not all modellers are after complete authenticity.
2  19 January, 20:42
Mr James
Are you okay Trez. What on earth upsets you about modellers appreciating the skill in other modellers work. To label model makers ignorant sycophants for liking other peoples work is rather mean spirited, dont you think?
2  19 January, 22:00
Clair Greenwood
Dude's havin a bad day or bad reaction to meds I guess
 19 January, 22:56
Rui S
Beautiful interior work 👍 Very well done 👍 Congratulations 👍
3  20 January, 00:07
Clair Greenwood
What a complete ass
1  20 January, 22:33
Rui S
@ Trez, I'm fine, thank you, and you?
Do you want to see that I can't comment on the albums as many times as I want, whenever I want, and however I want?
If there's one thing I'm not, it's a master rivet counter.
P.s. And I fully agree with Mr James & Clair Greenwood.
@ David K, as said previously you did a great work inside & outside 👍 and the model deserves a nice base too 🤔
1  20 January, 22:35
Rui S
Já vi que não tens as respostas, outra coisa não seria de esperar. E ainda por cima não reparaste que já te disse que não sou como tu.
Maybe you should do as you wrote, and go show off your food on Reddit 🤔 I'm sure you must have many lovers there 😄
1  20 January, 23:16
I do not know how accurate it is, but I like it. and everybody is allowed to comment, and do it as many times as they want. this is still a free place
2  20 January, 23:49
Another day. Another Trez drama

Time for action! No need for this on scalemates
5  21 January, 07:47
David K Forfatter
Thanks for the comments guys. I did make a point in my video to address the comment about there being items on the walls. The kit instructions were accurate in that there wasn't anything on the turret walls. I found that boring to have bare walls when there are all those other little details surrounding the breech. It was an artistic choice. I did do my research and I knew it wasn't historically accurate. I did put this one on a base later on in the video series. I specifically intended this to be matched up with the full interior Sherman which I turned into Fury and made a modular base/diorama for each tank.
3  21 January, 16:14
Nice result and full marks from me that you have used your imagination to produce and interesting model.
PS. I don't care if it's inaccurate. I haven't got a problem if other people want to count every rivet on their own model, but annoys me when they expect it of other people.
If you want modelling just to be fun, where's the harm in that? 🙂
2  21 January, 16:53
Michael Kohl
That's why I don't like Tigers. They attract too many freaks.
But, hey, now that I am here, let's have a look: hmm, nice, oh, well done, jep, convincing. Well, I'd say this is a darn nice Tiger.
3  21 January, 17:21
Sebastian Meyner
Well done David 👍

@Trez: throwing rocks in a glass house, aren't we?!
 21 January, 17:30
Trez, you don't seem to realise that your comments come over as unpleasant and aggressive at times. Can't you see the vitriol in your own comments? Why does it have to be a what-if if someone wants to add something because it looks good to them – their model their rules. Not a problem if you point out that something isn't accurate, but you don't have to be nasty about it. This is just a hobby, not some sort of moral obligation to be historically accurate.
4  21 January, 17:59

Album info

This is my 2nd interior build which included some scratch built components that were missing in the interior. Check out my build series on YouTube!

18 bilder
1:35 Tiger I (Rye Field Model RM-5080)1:35 Upgrade Set for Tiger I Ausf. E Late Production (RFM5080) (Rye Field Model RM-2053)1:35 PzKpfw VI Tiger I - 8,8cm KwK36 L/56 gun barrel - late (Master GM-35-041)

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