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Luka Novak (aktarian)

In Normandy


2 27 November 2024, 19:03
Ben M
 27 November 2024, 19:15
Luka Novak Forfatter
General idea is to have these troops in a farm yard setting.
 28 November 2024, 00:34
Well done!
 26 December 2024, 10:17

Album info

Nice figure set. Good fits, little problems with positioning limbs. Even though box art class for more clothing items to be painted in Luftwaffe blue I opted only for a tunic, which I couldn't avoid. I simply couldn't get the right shade/mix so I used feldgrau elsewhere. Splittermuster pattern didn't come out exactly right, but I think it's close enough……
The main purpose of this build was playing around with terrain. I bought some new vegetation material and wanted to see how they actually look. I think it turned out pretty well.
Overall quite happy with end result. Also last complete build for this year so I'm happy to finish the year on a (relatively) high note.

9 bilder
1:35 16th Luftwaffe Field Division (Dragon 6084)

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