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Andrew P. (Moses)

Grumman A-6A Intruder


21 23 March, 20:50
Rui S
Another very nice model in a great collection 👍
1  24 March, 15:26
Łukasz Gliński
I like this one a lot too (beside the EA-6) 👍
 25 March, 13:54
Ferenc Sarka
Nice. This kit was my first fujimi kit. It was a big step in quality after the 90s italeri kits. Congratulation !
1  25 March, 21:16

Album info

VMA(AW)-333 Hawks
Chu Lai; Vietnam; 1968

14 bilder
1:72 Grumman A-6A Knight Rider (Fujimi 27016)
Grumman A-6A Intruder
US US Marine Corps Aviation (1912-now)
VMA(AW)-533 Hawks ED 8/154165
1966 - Chu Lai, South Vietnam
FS36440 FS37875

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