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He 219A-7


30 December 2012, 22:03
Acki Forfatter
Another kit which I started years ago.
 30 December 2012, 22:06
Bill Gilman
Time to finish it?
 30 December 2012, 23:11
Acki Forfatter
Yes Bill, time to finish it!
 30 December 2012, 23:38
Steve Wilson
I have a few unfinished (3 off the top of my head) kits. Now I have got over the being out of a job blues, my News Years resolution is to finish them... Happy New Year!!!
 31 December 2012, 08:08
Holger Kranich
This is looking interesting to me! I´m in first row here!
 4 January 2013, 09:19
Bill Gilman
I hope the NASM finishes the restoration of their Owl soon. You can see the fuselage and engine nacelles on display at Udvar-Hazy, but no wings are attached. I've been following a thread over on LSP comparing the front fuselage and windscreen of the new 1:32 kits from Revell and Zoukei-Mura. Compared to the real thing at Udvar-Hazy, neither of the kits are right, in my opinion they've erred in opposite directions. ZM is too pointed and narrow, Revell is too flat and wide. I wonder how good the Dragon front end is?
 4 January 2013, 14:45
Acki Forfatter
Short break. My seat-belt-dealer from Wangerooge is late.😉
To be continued in one week.
 5 January 2013, 18:39
Bill Gilman
Do we know this seat belt dealer from Wangerooge? 🙂
 5 January 2013, 19:22
Acki Forfatter
I don´t think so. Wangerooge has millions and millions of citizens. 🙂
 5 January 2013, 20:01
Steve Wilson
But only one Holger😢
 5 January 2013, 21:22
Acki Forfatter
There can be only one! Islander.
 5 January 2013, 21:57
Holger Kranich
Yeah, there is only one!😢
 6 January 2013, 14:46
Bill Gilman
Is someone from Wangerooge called a Wangerooger? Wangeroogite? Wangeroogapolitan?
 6 January 2013, 16:58
Holger Kranich
Yep, Bill! Wangerooger or just indigenous😢!
 6 January 2013, 18:42
Steve Wilson
Or Wangeroogian...
 6 January 2013, 18:48
Acki Forfatter
Yesterday I met my dealer in Potsdam. Thanks Holger! Was a pleasure to meet you.
 12 January 2013, 15:44
Marina K.
Irgendwann schaffen auch wir das nach Wangerooge!!! - Da wird man ja direkt neidisch...😉
 12 January 2013, 16:11
Acki Forfatter
@Marina: Berlin ist viel näher für Euch. 🙂
 12 January 2013, 16:22
Marina K.
Hihi - da bekommst Du schon rechtzeitig von uns Bescheid...
 12 January 2013, 16:44
Frank Krause
Und zwischendrin liegt Nürnberg....😉 Warte auf Euch!
 12 January 2013, 17:01
Marina K.
...nach N. machen wir dann mal eine Kaffeefahrt!! 😄
 12 January 2013, 17:14
Frank Krause
Kaffeefahrt? Soll ich dann schon mal die Rheumadecken zum Verkauf vorbereiten?😉
 12 January 2013, 17:21
Bill Gilman
Can I get a coffee if I go to Nürnberg? 🙂
 12 January 2013, 17:21
Mike Kryza
Frank - Marina kichert sich schon wieder eins! - Aber ich finde die Idee mit den Rhemadecken gar nicht so schlecht...
 12 January 2013, 17:32
Frank Krause
Sure Bill! Come over! Would be my pleasure to have you here!
 12 January 2013, 17:33
Acki Forfatter
@Bill: In Berlin you´ll get two coffee.
 12 January 2013, 17:43
Bill Gilman
Great, I will be over soon! I have customers in Berlin, Munich, Goettingen, Hannover, Stuttgart, etc. I will make a grand tour! 🙂
 12 January 2013, 18:41
Acki Forfatter
And with all that coffee you need no sleep.
 12 January 2013, 18:46
Holger Kranich
Wtf is up here? I want coffee too!😉
 12 January 2013, 19:31
Marina K.
@Acki - und in den Süden schickst Du auch eine Bohne...😢
 12 January 2013, 19:34
Acki Forfatter
Back in black! 🙂
 28 January 2013, 18:55
Frank Krause
Uuh, ich seh schwarz...😢 Mal gespannt, wie's weitergeht!
 28 January 2013, 18:57
Acki Forfatter
Geht weiter mit den sogenannten Holger-Gurten (Wangerooge-Ausführung). Wurde ausschliesslich in dieser Version verbaut, aber das wußtest Du sicher schon. 🙂
 28 January 2013, 19:06
Holger Kranich
Hey, da sind verschiedene Gurte auf der Platine! Mach dich nicht unglücklich!😢😢
 28 January 2013, 19:16
Frank Krause
@Acki: Ah, genau die mit Salzwassergeschmack. 😄 Und mit den Gurten kannst Du jetzt ordentlich vom Riemen ziehen...😉 Gib Gas!
 28 January 2013, 19:48
Arne Greve
Hallo Acki, seit wann benutzt Du Aircolors von Vallejo?

Oh Gott, wenn Acki Gurte oder Gürtel sieht, will er sich immer gleich einen Strick drehen!!! 😉
 29 January 2013, 11:07
Frank Krause
😄 Höhö, dann muss er aber erst in einen Strickkurs der VHS gehen...😉
 29 January 2013, 12:59
Arne Greve
Das kann er bestimmt. :-D
 29 January 2013, 15:13
Mike Kryza
@Acki - Vallejos - good. very good choice...😢
 29 January 2013, 17:09
Acki Forfatter
Control stick broken and missing. Trying to build a new one.
 2 February 2013, 15:04
Holger Kranich
What a pitty...👎
 2 February 2013, 15:48
Bill Gilman
Pity yes, but a lot easier to fix than say, a missing wing. 🙂
 2 February 2013, 15:50
Acki Forfatter
Fixed. The best at this cockpit are the belts. 😄
 2 February 2013, 16:12
Holger Kranich
Yeah, they are increasing the details a lot!
 2 February 2013, 22:02
Arne Greve
Hey Acki, thats really correct. The belts looks very good. Are they the colored version or had you paint them?
 4 February 2013, 08:37
Acki Forfatter
Hi Arne, they came painted to me. Maybe Holger painted them for me? 🙂
 11 February 2013, 11:37

Project info

9 bilder
På vent
1:72 He219A-7 Owl (Dragon 5006)1:72 Seatbelts (Eduard 73002)

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