Finished - MiG-21 SMT
Photo 1 of 4
19 August 2013, 18:46

Steve, Tim, thanx for your kind comment. I'm looking forward to post more pics soon.
20 August 2013, 10:44

Danke Jens, ist aber auch eine toller Bausatz von Eduard!
20 August 2013, 10:48

Jets sind ja nicht so mein Ding , ausser WK II , aber das wäre doch ein Versuch wert 🙂
20 August 2013, 11:25

Lovely build there mate! My brother suggested that I should mount my two 1:144 MiG's as missiles on one of my 1:48 MiG...
20 August 2013, 16:42

Thanx mates for your very kind comments. @Urban, scale 1:32 should fit better for a scale 1/144 Missile MiG😉
20 August 2013, 17:10

Thanx again for your very kind comments. Cheers, Christian
22 August 2013, 17:33

Great Model in a small Scale, oh I forgot for you 1/144 is a big Scale 😉
Great Job. Go on.
22 August 2013, 19:12

Thanx for your kind comments! @Filip, I like the Navy MiG-21 bis in Polish markings. Could be one of the next projects😢
27 August 2013, 12:32
Album info
Next to my MiG-21 MF I build the Russian SMT. The model is finished and I?d like to place the SMT on a small setting, like my MF. Therefore I used some Brengun accessories and scratch build a tow bar. I found the tow bar on a photo in one of my reference books and it is a nice detail next to the plane. Some more soon!