Ship model displays
Photo 1 of 10
18 January 2014, 18:31

Some more experiments with my water bases. This time I add tissue paper with acrylic gel to simulate the waves along the ship. The base above had now two layers, the effect is much to white and I have to tone it down by using some grey?s and blue?s in a stippling motion. Then I will carefully drybrush the waves. The base below has one layer added, but this time the effect is to translucent. I think using two or three layers of tissue paper to sculp the waves along the ship seems to be good but it needs to be painted afterwards.
18 January 2014, 18:33

Looks great. What Kind of slight gloss do you intend to add on the waters surface?
18 January 2014, 18:37

seems to be one. The other one below is falling through the hole, I'm just looking for it😉
18 January 2014, 18:38

Sorry Udo I missed your comment and question.
Thanx, glad you like it! I use high gloss lacquer from the rattle can available in any DIY store. That works well and applied in some layers I will give a depth effect to the surface. Cheers, Christian
18 January 2014, 19:41

Looks good. I was wondering how ship modellers get these effects. I've not built a ship model for a very long time (mainly tanks and planes) but some ship models on the various albums on Scalemates look like works of art. I might have to add one to my stash. Any suggestions of a good starter kit,something British or German WW2 ?
18 January 2014, 20:29

Hi Martin, there are different ways. Normaly I sculpt the effect with plaster, but I'm not so satisfied with it. I saw some nice ship displays using these method made by Werner de Kearsmaker. I now try to do it in the same way. If you'd like to build a ship model you're very welcome😢 Do you prefer resin or plastic? If resin try Atlantic Models HMS Leeds Castle, in plastic Trumpeters Z 30 destroyer is quite nice as well as their Typ 23 frigate. You can find them all here on Scalemates. Looking forward to your choice. Cheers Christian
18 January 2014, 21:44

Thanks Christian. Just doing a bit of research on this site I was quite fancying Trumpeters Bismarck/Tirpitz in the smaller scale 1/700? It's seems to have good reviews and might be a good start for a first ship model. Any advice would be appreciated. Cheers Martyn🙂
18 January 2014, 22:15

I'm with scale 1/350, but check out Frank Spahrs Tirpitz (Revell) on Modelwarships:
Cheers, Christian
18 January 2014, 22:26

One of the test displays is nearly finished and after I wrangled with the result during the week I?m now more or less confident with the result. Before I start detailing the waves along the ship I thought I can only get a good using tissue paper and acrylic gel. But I was wrong with this.
Best is:
- first shape the display
- add wall paint in a stippling motion
- add a first coat of the basic color
- start detailing the waves (tissue paper and acrylic gel)
- paint the base including the white wash along the ship
- detail waves with tissue paper and cotton wool
- seal the base with high gloss varnish
Comments are most welcome.
Cheers, Christian
23 January 2014, 17:16

Excellent job Christian. I can say it is motivating me to having a go at building a ship model. I know you work in 1/350,but I thought maybe having a go at Dragons 1/700 Tirpitz. I can pick it up online for £20 and the reviews I've looked at say its decent kit.
23 January 2014, 21:00

Thanks for sharing this Christian, you have some great example of seascapes and it's useful to know how it's done. I may try one myself when I'm feeling brave!
24 January 2014, 00:00

Hi all, glad you like it and thank you for your very kind comments. It was a pleasure and I feel really honored to motivate some mates to start building a ship model ? hopefully😉 Thanx mates and happy modeling, Christian
24 January 2014, 17:12

Many thx Clifford. It was just a try last year. I try to optimize my skills with my next project.
13 January 2015, 17:16

Thanks for sharing Christian, more photos please , say another base this time from start to finish how you made your base (pleeease !). You can teach all of us how it should be done!! very well done
19 January 2015, 02:19

Thank you Barry and Bill. I will place some WIP photos within my HMS Belfast project, but you can take a look to this one too:
Zerstoerer Typ 36A Z30 | Album by Christian Bruer (1:350)
I experiment a lot with papier-mâché, but it did not work well because of warping.
My current method:
- shape the base
- cut out the ship outline
- add wall paint in a stippling motion
- paint the base
- add gloss varnish
- add and fix the ship
- close gaps with acrylic gel
- simulate waves wits cotton and tissue paper and acrylic gel
19 January 2015, 17:39

@ Christian, I have USS ENGLAND where I have started a few bits of photo etching enjoyed what I did so far. It is full hull so uncertain the direction to take whether to place it in a water base or not. Looking forward to watching your base work. Love the recent photos, great work.
20 January 2015, 19:50

Hi Bill, thx for your kind words. Is this Trumpeters USS England? If then, you may have the plastic sheet for the waterline version. You can use this part as a pattern for a cutout in a Styrofoam board. I usually start a bit inside of the pattern and cut out first the main block. After that I start to cut out the exact pattern carefully and in a more or less V – shape. That means I left some material below the waterline to have a support for the lower hull. You should give it a try, and it would be fine to see some photos of your USS England.
Cheers, Christian
22 January 2015, 19:15

Hi Christian, yes it is the Trumpeter kit. I take some snaps on Sunday ans start another album, thanks for the info, lets give it a go hey!
22 January 2015, 20:26

Sieht echt klasse aus Dein Wasser, Christian , total authentisch. Bis ich mich da dran traue ,wird wohl noch viel Zeit vergehen......
22 January 2015, 21:32

@Bill, would be fine some shots of your USS England and I'm glad to help.
@Hanno and Kerry, thx for your kind words. The display below in photo 1 is for my Flower class. She is riding a merchant ships wake during convoy duty. I add a new photo of the now finished display but only with an unfinished Flower as a place holder.
23 January 2015, 18:48

@ Christian, I have started an album with USS ENGLAND. Oh , HMS POLYANTHUS looks fantastic!
25 January 2015, 02:24

I never get sea sick, thankfully, as I would never have survived my five years on board an old American LSM, Australian Army, 32 Small Ships Squadron, RAE. 1965 /70. Viet Nam era. !And I see that Revell have produced one and I am so tempted to do it as the Australian version.
21 April 2015, 18:33

You definitely should do that Kerry ! As Christian always says : Shipbuilding rules !
21 April 2015, 19:10

Good to know🙂 Kerry, that sounds you have had an interesting but dangerous service life. I searched a little bit and found some interesting stories.
My shipmate Dirk is working on a LSM. They served as well in the Federal German Navy.
Cheers, Christian
21 April 2015, 19:15

Well, I am so pleased you found all that information. I was on the "Vernon Sturdee" AV1355 and before that, I was a cabin boy on board a ship called "Cape Leeuwin" which was a Lighthouse Tender that looked after all the navigation aids all up and down the Queensland coast. !I was 16 🙂,d.dGY
21 April 2015, 21:51

Hey Kerry, that sounds you have had a interesting seafarers life not only during your service. Must be interesting to be aboard of these old, probably coal fired vessel.
Thx for sharing mate. Cheers, Christian
22 April 2015, 17:44

Because I had been on a ship as crew before I joined the Army, I had no difficulty asking for and being posted to the Squadron.
Originally The Leeuwin had coal fired boilers, but was converted after the war to Oil fed boilers, but a coal fed galley stove, and the whole galley was gimballed, of course!
In 1963 was her last voyage and then the "Cape Moreton" came into service.
I saw things that were amazing for a kid of 15/16 and learned how to "Box" a compass. and to follow the "Lubbers line" Can you ?
To "Box" a compass is to call out all 360 points, (Example), the first degree of the three sixty is. Nnnebnebn (Nor nor nor east be nor east be north.) 🙂 LOL, I am just being a smart arse mate, but I can still do it. !!
22 April 2015, 22:56

Must be a hard but adventurous time for you Kerry. No I never had learned steering a boat by compass etc. I only learn to handle a surfboard while I was windsurfing in the 80s and 90s. I was always in sight of land so no need for compass🙂 But I learned some knots but I forgot most of them now.
I know a little bit of it all because my interest for naval themes and ships last for more than forty years. But it is all theory.
Thx for the link and information!
23 April 2015, 20:20

Mmhhh, I get a bit out of practice making water displays for my ship models. Before I start new bases for my current scale 1/350 projects it is on time to start a test.
USS Wagner in a new setting, syrodur base with a carfed surface, wall paint added in a stippling motion, some layers of blue gray paint, wave effects painted white and different shades of blue grays, several layers of gloss varnish, more wave effects by using with acrylic gel, slightly drybrushing the waves, using white and a final layer of gloss varnish. I think I will use plaster for the wave effects for scale 1/350 ship displays.
Cheers, Christian
24 May 2018, 19:12

Guys. I found this on a Tamiya Magazine site and thought you would like to see it. 🙂;type=3&ifg=1
24 May 2018, 21:35

As always. I sit here, jaw on the keyboard and marvel at how fantastic the effect looks and the skill it takes to create this moment in time. 👍
One day, I am going to attempt the scene of a warship sinking. The result of a well placed torpedo hit. 🙂 ………………………………….One day. hahahaha 🙂
24 May 2018, 22:10

Kerry, thx for sharing the dynamic diorama. I much like it, excellent craftsmanship!
Thank you all Gentleman for your very kind comments and interest.
Cheers, Christian
27 May 2018, 09:11

It certainly makes us want to do even better when we see others works and skills on display.
I love what we are all capable of and all of us are just as talented as 'them'. 🙂
27 May 2018, 10:24

Indeed that's the way progress will be made! Look to each other, learn from each other.
27 May 2018, 16:30
Album info
Some experiments making ship model water bases to get a realistic water and wave effect for moving ships ind different sea states.