Kyb // Gainful
24 February 2014, 21:03

Are the missiles in the kit good and do they fit well? I heard they are a little bit big and need extra attention. Nevertheless the model is looking good!
8 November 2014, 15:25

Thanks folks but i ran outta steam on this one, it's currently a shelf queen... 🙁
@Jens: according to the armchair rivet counter missiles have shape issues, they are short and narrow than they are supposed to be. As for the fit, i built only one of the missiles and despite the delicate shape / cross section the body assembly went pretty easy. OTOH the fins are terribly hard to align - some kind of an X shaped jig is a must!
8 November 2014, 17:15

Great build, I like it a lot! Trumpy´s SA-6 is a real Diva in some places. It´s lurking here as a shelf queen , too...
10 November 2014, 08:35

Very nice painting with base colors. I always wanted to learn how to archive such effect.
11 November 2014, 08:14
Album info
one biga$$ model!