MIG 29
Photo 1 of 55
5 April 2014, 18:12

First pictures are uploaded, the cockpit got his basic paint and I started to give the details a little bit paint 😉
Greetz, Phil
5 April 2014, 18:16

Thanks Michael
@Christian, the scale is 1/48, thanks for the nice comment
Greetz, Phil
6 April 2014, 18:44

looks terrific...what's the Russian blue/green colour ?? an own mixed one or a brand ?? in last case wich one and nr/name ???
28 April 2014, 17:22

Thanks for the nice comment mates, the russian cockpit color is a mix of Vallejo color AV70808 Blue green and a few drops of Vallejo Model Air Light grey Green 71044, I'm happy you liked the cockpit color, that means that the mixing was successful 😉
Greetz, Phil
29 April 2014, 15:37

After a break of a year at this project I found the courage to continue with the Mig 29, as you can see, the kit from Academy needed a lot of putty and a lot of sanding.
Greetz, Phil
31 December 2015, 11:21

Thanks mates 🙂 she is ready for the decals. There is still a lot of work to do. Greetz. Phil
24 January 2016, 16:05
Album info
I"m trying to get the aires cockpit in to the Academy kit, the cockpit looks great with beautiful details, it's well worth it to try this.