Marmon Herrington MkII Mobile Field Force type - construction
18 April 2014, 11:03

Wow, great job on the engine! 👍. Want to watch this. 🙂. How's the kit?
18 April 2014, 12:43

The kit is nice, George. Lots of details together with some tweaks.
The plastic is soft. You need a sharp cutter to remove some mold seams, otherwise the part will look like rubbed with 100 sand paper. Some parts do have only round locating pins. So in case of the axles you have to dry-fit several times to find correct fixing points for the differentials. Some small parts are difficult to handle. Special attention should be paid the steering.
I like this kit. A bit challenging, but rewarding! I'll surely have fun with it!
18 April 2014, 12:57

the Ford V8 flathead, right? (Almost) the same engine as in the German Ford V3000s...
would be a bit sceptic about the color, but it still looks good...
you should find some additional pics here:
18 April 2014, 14:48

Nice added detail Frank. If the engine is any sign of the finished model, I look forward to seeing it.
18 April 2014, 21:19

Sorry, have been away without any access to the WWW. And I'm still alive...😉
Thanks, Augie. Glad you like it!
@Fabian: I checked quite some Ford V8 engines, but haven't found any pictures of one in a Marmon Herrington one. First I was thinking about black or bare metal, but at the end I came up with that green, which shouldn't be that wrong, if I look at the picture of the restored Ford.
@Mohammad: Thanks!
@Alan: I'll do my best, not to disappoint you. You just need quite some patience, since I am a slow builder, a..... v...e...r...y........................s.......................l.....................o...............w..........😉
20 April 2014, 16:56

Every way, even the longest, sarts with the first step..., Mike!
And here comes the next. I was thinking to just paint the hose clamps of the cooling hoses, but using household aluminium foil was probably the better choice. They don't look good in the close-up, but sufficient enough, if you have it in front of you.
21 April 2014, 09:10

Cooler and exhaust connected to the engine. I have to rework the exhaust a bit, because the engine does not correctly rest in its mountings. This might become a bit fiddly...
21 April 2014, 12:32

Since no decals were provided, I am trying to simulate the dials with printed paper covered by clear tape. The big dials are somewhat acceptable, the small one... 🙁
26 April 2014, 16:22

As you said, it is a close-up photo. In the model it can seem as if the small dial is dusty or the glas is scratched or broken! Looks great for added detail I believe.
26 April 2014, 16:36

Engine found its place within the frame. I worked a bit more on the interior. The seats got covered with silk paper, I scratched the missing accelerator. The tyres got a basic coating.
27 April 2014, 21:41

I like the idea with the silk paper! Thats really looking cool! The engine turned out very nicely, too! Awesome job, Frank!
30 April 2014, 07:48

Thanks guys! I think there will be some more progress tonight and tomorrow (holiday in Germany... 😄 ).
30 April 2014, 12:11

Instrument panel looks good when put in position. Dials seem to work well from the photo. Frank, is what you call "silk paper" what we would call "tissue paper" in North America. Very thin, semi-transparent and crinkly to touch?
30 April 2014, 18:47

Thanks, Augie!
Hi Alan, well, I guess I used "genglish". In German it is called "Seidenpapier". If you translate this combined word separately, it is "silk" (Seide) and "paper" (Papier). Tissue seems to be the correct word for it. As you described, it is "very thin, semi-transparent and crinkly to touch". I think, this Wikipedia description should be the right one:
30 April 2014, 19:22

Thanks Frank. We were talking about the same thing. It does work well to give texture to the cushions. I will keep that tip in mind.
30 April 2014, 19:27

Ready for a challenge! The accumulators give you a hint, what I'm going to try...
1 May 2014, 13:50

I guess, this is as far as I will come today. Some parts still missing. The dials need a gloss coat. I might try some wiring later.
1 May 2014, 19:35

Frank, it's not modeling if you just use a shrink ray on the real thing, and then put it in your model...
2 May 2014, 11:32

Watt? Watt? Watt? Weiss nich, wieviel Watt die Funke hat...😉
2 May 2014, 19:29

Really nice work Frank. Well done and I look forward to seeing the final product.
2 May 2014, 19:36

Kleiner Plattdeutschkurs:
Eigentlich heist das" Dat ward wat" was meint "das wird gut" Weveel Watt de Funke hat dat weet ick ook nich so nau...🙂
2 May 2014, 19:38

Not much progress. Just some paint on the inner roof and the machine-guns.
3 May 2014, 21:18

Wireless no. 19 finally in place. Still not perfect..., but...
5 May 2014, 00:03

Frank schau mal, am Motor ist ein Zündkerzenkabel nicht richtig in Position. Beifahrerseite
5 May 2014, 06:03

Danke, Joerg! Kabel ist in Position. Das Foto war älter.
Thanks, Alan! Glad you like it. Despite I obviously made some mistakes with the base plate (either wrong interpretation of the instructions or wrong instructions), it turned out ok.
5 May 2014, 06:09

Hi Frank!!!
Any interference when operating Wireless No. 19, you know white noise or crackling...Lol😄
Looks absolutely fabulous8) well done👍
5 May 2014, 07:05

Thanks, Jonns and Steve.
Well, Steve, when in a valley, I don't get connected...😉 (... and I'm always in a valley...😉 )
5 May 2014, 11:08

Not sure about correct position of MGs in ball-mount. If I go as per instructions, it looks ok from the outside, if compared with original fotos, but when looking at the ammunition feed on the inside, you could never fire that gun...
6 May 2014, 23:37

Bottom with the ammunition feed out makes more way more sense. Nice work as well!
6 May 2014, 23:59

As for your general performance in building, now you are fast as a lightning! Looks absolute good! But the upper ballmount doesnt makes sense to me...😢
7 May 2014, 05:26

Accumulator got wires. Not perfect, but I like it more than without.
8 May 2014, 07:56

Still working on the interior. The Italeri boxes are pretty old, but still good enough to "do their job". The water cans of the Bronco set are really nice. I still have to put on the decals...
10 May 2014, 06:18

I love that wire u make on pic n°16 that radiowire crossover 🙂
love your details
10 May 2014, 06:35

Hi Mike,
I decided, not to go for interior silver as seen in many british AFVs, since I saw a foto of a Mk.IV (nothing in common with the Mk.II except the name...) with white interior. Instead of bright white I used camouflage grey (, which came out nicely.
11 May 2014, 09:36

Thanks, Fabian! Interior is almost finished. I'm going to close the chassis.
11 May 2014, 23:25

Before closing the hull I added the microphone and headphone. Not connected to the wireless, but ready to use.
16 May 2014, 20:36

toll, was hast du da als Kopfhörerkabel genommen, ist das Bindfaden oderso?
16 May 2014, 21:13

Thanks, Augie!
Jepp, Jonns! Aufgespleißtes Nähgarn für den Kopfhörer. Der Originalfaden war zu dick (4 Stränge). Also habe ich ihn getrennt. Das Mikrophonkabel ist dünner Draht.
16 May 2014, 22:38

Excellent work Frank!!!
Trying very hard to find something negative to say for Mr Hickey, but I can't...
17 May 2014, 07:52

Tolle Details. Was wird davon später sichtbar sein? Hast du die Mòglichkeit die Motorhaube und Türen des Aufbaues geöffnet darzustellen?
17 May 2014, 08:24

Thanks, Alan and Steve (you'll get your chance...😉 )!
@Christian: I plan to leave all doors and hatches open. Especially the large rear doors allow an excellent view inside the car.
17 May 2014, 09:25

I agree Frank!!!👍
Leave doors open!!! Why hide all that beautiful detail work???
Send me an e-mail when I can say something, errrm, off... If I am going to get a chance.
It'll be a long wait, for sure!!!
17 May 2014, 10:53

The hull is closed. Now I'm working on the outside.
Rear door handles are locked with a kind of hook, when open. The handles weren't in the right position, so I had to move them.
I added the supporting frames for the front holders of the sand shields using evergreen profiles and nuts donated from a T-34 road wheel. The frames became to big. They should be nearly half the height of the holder, but... I discovered that only after I glued them, and I did want to start again. At least it looks better than without. So I have chances to improve and my Marmon Herrington can become better.
Since the side doors will beleft open, I added primitive door handles on the blank inside. Not perfect, but better than nothing.
18 May 2014, 13:16

nice, I have to remember the trick with the headphone "wire"... May I excange one with you?😉
Try a few drops of (litte thinned) wood glue on the inside door handles to round up the shape of the wire
18 May 2014, 13:25

Thanks for the hint, Fabian. I'll try that. Fotos will follow...
18 May 2014, 14:13

Thanks, Christian. If I can keep the pace, it might be ready for the Munster event.
18 May 2014, 21:10

Hey Frank, it getting better and better! Hast gerade einen guten Lauf, was?😢
19 May 2014, 06:19

Thx. for asking Frank, the trip was great but as always there were millions of people so you feel more like a ant than like a tourist...
19 May 2014, 07:26

Thanks, Holger! Jepp, läuft grad gut. Jeden Tag ein kleines Stück führt auch zum Ziel...😉
@Matthias: I remember that. Japan is the same. In my first years of travelling I was still able to overlook the crowd, but nowadays Japanese became taller. With my 1,73 m I lost the overlook and can only dive into the crowd.
19 May 2014, 09:50

Oh, Arne, you're living closer to Munster than many other modellers. Not even 2-3 hours?
19 May 2014, 15:59

Whats the best period to go to Munster?
i mean to visit the museum with special occasion of festivals with driving tanks etc...
19 May 2014, 17:52

Here is a list of the exhibitions of the Panzermuseum. Unfortunately only in german but google translate can do wonders!;)
Its really worth a visit!!!
19 May 2014, 18:31

Hi Rascar,
as Holger mentioned Munster is always worth a visit, especially on event days. However, as far as I know, no tank driving for visitors, just looking. If you want to ride on a tank, you could go here: (0., )
19 May 2014, 18:57

Thanks, Barry! The IBG kit is fun! I'm looking forward to start the Bedford QLR...
@Holger:😉 👍😉
19 May 2014, 21:28

Hi Frank, sorry, I guess not. On the 7th I´am at work and on the 8th we must do a lot of thinks for the birthday of my daughter the next day. 🙁
20 May 2014, 07:56

Hey Frank, hope you make a report and a album for that Bedford, I have the kit as well.
Arne you just need to convince everbody that a birthday party in Munster is much better than at home... not that I could explain that to your daughter but as a experienced father you will figure something out...😉
20 May 2014, 12:17

Matthias, a very good idea. But there are two persons, who don´t want to do this party in the Panzermuseum: My wife and my daughter. 😉
20 May 2014, 12:42

I know how you feel Arne, most women just don't understand the fascination of a massive gun packed in steel, made to destroy another massive gun packed in steel. For us instead this makes totally sense... 🙂
Sorry Frank for spaming your post. I haven't build a IBG model kit yet. With which other brand can you qualitywise compare it?
20 May 2014, 13:25

Yes, Matthias, you´re right.
Sorry Frank! You make a really great job!!
20 May 2014, 14:24

Yeah, women! You can't live with 'em and without 'em! (Sorry, Augie! Men....😉 ) Thanks, Arne!
Well, Matthias, difficult to compare to other makers. Some input based on experience so far:
- I am pretty impressed about the fit. So far close to perfect.
- The plastic is pretty soft, but not an issue.
- Details are really good. Look at the engine and the interior.
- Breakdown of parts is sometimes a bit too much, e.g. the rear axle consists of 18 parts. That's great for the details, but you have to be careful to get it straight.
- Some etching parts do not have bending lines. The instructions tell you, which angle to bend, but you don't get an idea, where to start bending. No 1:1 scale drawing to show you how to bend. So a bit trying is required to get it right.
Overall I do like the IBG kits. I'm looking forward to finish this one and start the next.
20 May 2014, 16:05

Thx. Frank, sounds food. My Bedford from IGB anyway doesn't have PE parts so nothing to worry about. I don't like soft plastic too much but I can handle it normally.
21 May 2014, 13:39

I am planning to do this Mk. II. However, IBG doesn't provide the hinges for the bars of the hatches. I used aluminium-foil of a tealight to produce the hinges myself. Not good, but always better than nothing.
23 May 2014, 16:25

Getting closer to the finals...
IBG provided tiny, little, foto-etched hooks for the sides, but I had to add by myself the brackets for the pickaxe, a second one for the shovel, big brackets for the sand-shields...
25 May 2014, 22:44

That's a great build. I hope, Frank, that you will bring it to the model show in November😉 I know a couple of guys that would love to see it in flesh.
25 May 2014, 23:02

It is coming together very nicely Frank. You have great patience to make needed details to make it a Mk II. With your additions it will truly be be a one of kind model. Are you planning to make it with all doors open as in the picture, so your interior can be shown off?
26 May 2014, 01:23

David, I'd love to, but won't be available in 2nd half of 2014.
Yes, Alan, all doors and engine hatch open.
Thank you, Kim!
26 May 2014, 08:09

Hey Frank you go to Japan again this year?
If you accidentally land in Shanghai, drop me a message!
27 May 2014, 06:14

Hi Matthias,
unfortunately only the family goes to Japan. I have to stay in Germany, because of a project at work. 🙁
27 May 2014, 06:26

Too bad but maybe next time!
Your Marmon is looking great Frank, keep up the good work.😉
27 May 2014, 14:17

Frank this is a wonderful job you have done, looking forward to the next pictures 👍
27 May 2014, 18:51

Thanks, Matthias, Mike and Philip!
Yes, it got tyres now. Sand shields, spare tyre, shovel, axe, pick axe and its shaft, tail light fixed.
27 May 2014, 22:58

Hi Rascar,
I don't even own an air-brush. I'm a traditional brush-painter.
28 May 2014, 06:22

Wow Frank, you are storming forward with this build! The Marmon is on his wheels, tools are added, its looking awesome!😄
28 May 2014, 06:23

Alter Falter, awesome work on your Marmon Frank! Nice details and that's all without an airbrush😉 👍
28 May 2014, 06:54

Which paint did you use on it, Frank?
And how do you do the weathering / color deviation on it?
28 May 2014, 10:08

I'm always thuderstrucked with the quality of the the painting, @Frank. Awesome.
28 May 2014, 11:52

Thanks, Jonns! Since Wangerooge you know, how I work...😉
Danke, Christian!
Hi Matthias, I'm a humbrolicer. I only use Humbrol enamel paint. I use thinner with a drop of brown, black or any other colour, giving me a nice effect. Additional to that I use pigments (coloured chalk). As a "h"airbrusher I'm not so in with colour deviation. Sometimes it happens just by chance, but not on purpose.
Thanks, Leandro! Glad, you like it!
28 May 2014, 14:58

Hi Frank. Great job! Witht the doors open there will be a lot to see with your work on the interior.
28 May 2014, 15:30

"Hehe Hairystick magic as always"
Is that a charme from Hogwarts?😢😢
28 May 2014, 18:16

Thanks, girls and guys!
All parts are in place. I will just add some pin-wash and some dust/dirt. So I might take it with me to the Munster exhibition.
1 June 2014, 10:12
Album info
I didn't know anything about the Marmon Herrington Armoured Car before. When the IBG kit came out, I was asked to do a review and I fell in love with it. So many details to handle, but enough room for small improvements (e.g. on the engine or the interior).
I'm a slow builder, but I hope, you have as much fun as I have watching the kit progressing.