In Progress
1 20 May 2014, 13:28

No braille scale this time?
Cool! Do you use the white paint for creating sunfading and rainmarks?
20 May 2014, 14:45

Affirm Holger, i'm attempting the black and white technique described to great detail here: dqscaleworks.blogspo..r-i-148-by-jose.html
20 May 2014, 16:44

That's interesting!!!
It's also growing on me as well, my first impression as I scrolled down noticing it for the first time.
It reminded me of a Wood Louse or a Beetle, especially with no tracks and wheels, I'm going to watch this build...
Nice going Murad😢
20 May 2014, 18:52

it's surely another interesting way of painting mono-tone vehicles that's why i am trying it on this build since this is gonna be all olive drab.
20 May 2014, 19:11

I´m curious for the result of your painting!
How do you thin the paint for the paintjob? 1 part paint on 2 parts thinner?
20 May 2014, 19:14

15x gunze 400 acrylic thinner
6x xf74 (+ 1x gunze middle stone where needed)
10x (+2x for middle stone) tamiya x22 gloss clear
paintjob is already finished but i left the model aside to dry, i'll take shots of it without doing any other work on it tomorrow with daylight.
20 May 2014, 19:38

here goes the pictures, only basecoat nothing else - tracks, wheels and accessories are dryfit. will do decals in between gloss varnish next.
21 May 2014, 11:05

I would have expected the effect more on the glacis plate but overall it looks very interesting! I´m curious for the result!
21 May 2014, 11:12

Yep i'm a tiny little bit heavy handed, i did lose streaking effects on other surfaces as well. 😄
21 May 2014, 11:43

More pix up:
*Details are brush painted.
*Superficial chipping and scratches are done with the sponge technique via various enamel colors in brown and grayish tones. Since the exhausts and their housings are going to get some rust treatment via pigments later, i did increase the amount of chipping and varied the colors most.
*Light drybrushing with W&N naples yellow and raw sienna for highlights.
*Finally Tamiya X35 semi-gloss clear applied for protection to more serious weathering steps to come.
Now it's going to be filters and washes and to achieve tonal variety and more depth, hopefully…
23 May 2014, 17:26

*Overall wash with burnt umber oil
*Fading and dot filtering with white, grey, various yellows, red and vandycke brown oils
*Pin wash with ivory black oil
24 May 2014, 19:09

Dust and dry mud applied with tamiya flat earth +buff and red brown thinned with distilled water.
Pigments and matt coat remaining.
27 May 2014, 16:20

Amazing Nice wonderfull end results u made here.thx for the fantastic pics. And keep posting those ww2 tanks here.
27 May 2014, 17:44

Tracks and wheels are on. More earth effects inside the wheel wells with humbrol enamels. Pigments for rust on the exhaust covers and overall dust.
1 June 2014, 07:45