The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild
Photo 1 of 33
1 3 October 2014, 20:46

Dank Martien. Heb deze weer opgepakt na maanden. Mijn eerste ww1 kitje.
4 October 2014, 06:15

Erik, I have just finished scrolling through all your albums and let me say. You are a most talented modeller and you have a good eye for detail and I am most impressed with what you have posted mate. Well done . Cheers 🙂 I would like to see more of your work.
4 October 2014, 09:40

So, saved this one from the shelf of doom. Back in 2014 when I started this little Fokker I encountered trouble with aligning the fuselage halves and so the horizontal stabilizers were askew.. but off course already glued so when trying to fix things the plastic was destroyed... Thankfully Eduard sent me a WHOLE NEW SPRUE when I told of my mistake and mistreating of the plastic 😄 Kudos for Eduard!!
New fuselages halves are glued and straight 👍
29 January 2016, 22:47

something really appealing about being able to see the frame work
I'm liking these WW1 birds more and more, I even bought a Camel 🙂
29 January 2016, 22:51

Were the frames of the German aircraft steel tube or wood. ? Just wondering. 🙂
29 January 2016, 22:52

... if they were wood they tended to be square section whilst using steel tube for the front half for the seat and engine mount became more common as engine power increased and designs improved,to carry the two single heaviest lumps in WW1 fighter, engine and pilot.
29 January 2016, 23:01

Thanks Choppa! I could not have said it any better!
Oh and Kerry, Fokker was a Dutchman making planes for the Germans to be exact 😉
Maybe nice to know: my dad is retiring on july 1st this year after working 47 years for Fokker 🙂
29 January 2016, 23:08

What an amazing connection to history Erik. !!
Does he fly himself. ?
29 January 2016, 23:14

"Does he fly himself. ?"
No, he gets someone else to do it for him .........
29 January 2016, 23:17

No Kerry, i think if he flew he did not have to work for 47 years 😉 He joined Fokker when he was 16, at the Fokker school. First building togheter parts of aircraft. Later on he joined the quality control branch. A LOT of F-16 center sections flying in Europe today were checked by him. Today Fokker builds parts for Airbus and Boeing to name a few.
30 January 2016, 00:30

Nice rescue operation! Does your dad work here in Papendrecht at the Fokker works?
30 January 2016, 11:46

I think any job in aviation is going to be interesting 🙂
except maybe flight attendants, booking agents and stewardesses etc.
but building and flying aircraft, awesome ! 🙂
30 January 2016, 15:58

You are so right about that.
I had the pleasure of working at Fokker also. Sadly I was one the people who were fired when they had to reorganise Somedays I still miss it
30 January 2016, 16:13

And many others like you Rob, my dad is one of the lucky few that reached their retirement at Fokker. A lot of people lost a fine job at Fokker with the bankruptcy and all reorganisations.
30 January 2016, 17:37

So the Natter took the spot from te Fokker on the shelf of DOOM ?
2 February 2016, 20:41

Started with painting and masking of the tail.. No mask are provided by Eduard for the stripes on the tail but it comes as a decal, I will not use the decals as I prefer masking. When the black stripes are dry the first lozenge decals can be placed 🙂
3 February 2016, 21:50

Yes Arne, started with the lozenge decals.. Really thin decals that react well on Sol but the fit is not 100%. The hexagons on top of the fuselage do not join the hexagons of the side fuselage...but it still looks quite cool 🙂. Need to fix some spots also because the decals teared
5 February 2016, 22:43

I've even tried a Roden model. but it was a disaster. The first decal dissolved in water into hundreds of pieces. But it looks good, Erik.
6 February 2016, 11:32

Well Martien, altough very thin. These decals are quite good. Really good reaction on Sol. All.inperfections on the plastic cam still be seen now.. 😄
7 February 2016, 20:42

Thanks Jens! Hope to finish it soon. To many unfinished projects on the bench...
18 April 2016, 21:40

Thanks Kerry! It's a challenging kit to me, put it aside a lot.. Nice to see you like it 👍
18 April 2016, 21:45

The 'snake' was a popular thing on the German war birds, I even remember seeing one on an Me109 with desert markings, actually over a desert landscape. 🙂
18 April 2016, 21:51

And the new rebox Bf-108 from Eduard! Which for some reason is in my stash too 😄
18 April 2016, 21:54

Did it have any 'significance' at all, like the characters I have see just below or slightly behind the cockpits of the Fighters. ?
Or was it just what we call a "Nose art" sort of thing. ?
18 April 2016, 22:17

Added some pictures of the work on the Spandau MG's, the PE cooling cage looks very cool
3 May 2016, 20:28

Finally, the end pictures. My first WW1 kit 🙂 Quite happy with it, to bad the wiring between the wheels lost it's tension when fuzzing around with assembly of the wing. Better luck next time..
21 May 2016, 20:36

Ik heb deze gemist! Hij is klaar. Kleurrijk bakkie geworden!
Hij is best cool, wellicht moet ik mijn WnW Fokker er eens bij pakken.
2 June 2016, 07:18

Looks really good Erik! (have you tried heating the wires to shrink them? holding a soldering iron close might do the trick....not too close 😉 )
2 June 2016, 11:51
Project info

The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild
1. Januar 2016 til 31. Desember 2020
1. Januar 2016 til 31. Desember 2020