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Mike Tipping (M.TippingModels)


Photo 1 of 12


5 October 2014, 18:51
Choppa Nutta
love it !!
great work Mike 🙂

 5 October 2014, 18:56
Es-haq Khosravi
Great job! It reminds me the pc game "Commandos"
 5 October 2014, 18:57
Choppa Nutta
how come my picture link didn't work ? 🙁
 5 October 2014, 20:24
Es-haq Khosravi
I copied it in the address bar and saw it! 😄
 5 October 2014, 20:31
Es-haq Khosravi
The shouting figure is super realistic!
 5 October 2014, 20:31
John Van Kooten
That is looking really good, Mike! Both the diorama itself and obviously the figures! Awesome painting skills! 👍 👍

One question though, regarding the figure with the Thompson standing next to the wounded paratrooper: what kind of Thompson is that? It has the simplified rear sight and the bolt handle on the right side of the M1A1 but a longer (16 inch) barrel like on a modern replica M1927A1 (but without the front sight on the muzzle)? I don't think I have ever seen a Thompson like that? Certainly not in use with WWII British / US troops 🙂 The US military adopted the Thompson 1928A1 at War's start and later on introduced the simplified versions M1 and M1A1. Other Thompson versions were not military issue. So now I'm kind of curious what version that is 🙂
 5 October 2014, 21:25
Mike Tipping Forfatter
Hi John not sure, it came with the figure
 5 October 2014, 21:45
John Van Kooten
Yeah? That's strange? That Nemrod figure is supposed to have an M1A1, at least, according to the image on ScaleMates : Pathfinder, Normandie, Juin 44 (Nemrod N35041, 1:35)


Anyway, I was just curious, doesn't really matter 😉

Again, your work is absolutely stunning and inspiring!! 👍 👍
 6 October 2014, 06:43
Holger Kranich
Unbelieveable and stunning figures! Awesome! The dio, too! I cant take my eyes from that!!!
 6 October 2014, 09:45
Choppa Nutta
 7 October 2014, 15:47

Album info

Let me present to you “Sniper” which depicts elements of the 101st airborne and the 82nd airborne working there way through the Normandy country side, whilst being targeted by German Snipers.
These are 1/35 scale Nemrod and Soga figures, painted with Tamiya and Vallejo paints, the base is scratch built.

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