BF110-G4 6./NJG101, Fritzlar, 1945
Photo 1 of 4
1 3 December 2014, 21:36

It was difficult for me as an unexperienced modeller, i particularly think that more detailed instructions would be benificial, for example giving more precise attachement points for items like the antenna. also this would benefit from a diagram of the angle from the body. A jig would be the best way to align these in hindsight. Also i found using an airbrush difficult when trying to maintain the air pressure, small amount of paint feed and distance. It would be better to have a micrometer screw adjustment on air brushes and a foot trigger for air thereby allowing only concentration on the distance from the model. Maybe that will all come with experience
3 December 2014, 22:32

A night fighter with its antenna equipment is quite a challenge for an unexperienced modeller. From this point of view I think you made a good job, really 👍. Keep on!
4 December 2014, 05:32

Like Ulf said, not an easy one as a starter, and your assumption on the experience - thing is all to true. In fact, that`ll never stop.
Nice one , I like it a lot !
4 December 2014, 12:37

I sprayed the aircraft with Humbrol enamels because i had hundreds of little tims in my garage for the past 15 years since i last built models with my boys. I see since then many people use Acrylic paint. Not sure yet if that makes them easier to use or not. Maybe i should try some
4 December 2014, 12:40

I think you should give it a try . I kicked my 15 year old enamels out as soon as I got in touch with my first acrylics suggested by my brother in law. Most of them don`t smell at all ( only some do). Very easy to handle , especially when used with an airbrush. Cleaning the A. B. is a lot easyer, drying time greatly reduced. I like `em a lot.
4 December 2014, 12:56
Album info
My first model using Photo Etch parts and my first ever spray Luftwaffe camo, not perfect, many mistakes along the way and no armoured wind-shield as it fogged when i tried to wipe off some paint using a cotton bud with thinners. Screwed up the rear gun sights and the body camo squiggles did not work as well as the tail stabiliser attempt.