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Robert (Robert_E)



1 6 March 2015, 10:00
Cristian Bordina
Really good job.
 6 March 2015, 10:18
Robert Forfatter
thank you Cristian
 6 March 2015, 10:38
Hanno Kleinecke
Faboulous work on this captured bird ! Something new for a change 🙂
 6 March 2015, 11:11
Robert Forfatter
Thanks Hanno, there are at least 2 more to come... HE-177 & P-40
 6 March 2015, 12:57
Hanno Kleinecke
Wow, a really big bird, I' m curious !
 6 March 2015, 15:44
Robert Forfatter
me, too 😉
 6 March 2015, 16:18
Soeren R.
Really nice build! I love to see some "Beuteflugzeuge" build here. Probably I build one too soon.
 17 March 2015, 07:39
Robert Forfatter
Thank you Soeren, we (as a group) decide every year on a project and this year it is the "Beuteflugzeuge". There will be a lot more by September this year. Stay tuned @
 17 March 2015, 07:46
Bart Goesaert
nice one, this version is also on my to do list... along with the swiss one...
 17 March 2015, 09:09
Robert Forfatter
Hi Bart, be careful if you use the Ventura decals. They didn't react on Micro Sol or Mr Mark Softer. They are pretty thick and brittle
 17 March 2015, 13:01
Rui S
Nice project, really interesting photo...
 17 March 2015, 14:27
Clifford Keesler
Good job. Interesting subject. I did not know tny P-51s had been capatured. See even old farts can learn new things.LOL.
 17 March 2015, 16:29
Robert Forfatter
Hi Clifford, yeah they flew all kind of s..t 🙂 Here is a list of know captured aircrafts by the Germans, but is not complete since at least a Lavotchkin LA-5 is missing (see Lavotchkin LA-5 | Album by Robert_E (1:48))
Cheers Robert
 17 March 2015, 21:13
Clifford Keesler
Thanks Robert, opens up a new group of unsual subjects.
 18 March 2015, 00:37
Ulf Petersen
Very nice model.👍 Although I prefer the D-Version of the P-51. And a quite unusual presentation, great!
 18 March 2015, 06:19

Album info

Hersteller: Tamiya
ArtNr: 61042
Massstab: 1/48
Hersteller: Ventura
ArtNr: VA4855
Massstab: 1/48
Version: German Captured T9+HK (1943)
Vallejo: 71.062, 71.078

34 bilder
1:48 P-40C Tomahawk (Academy 2182)1:48 Lavochkin La-5 (Eduard EX330)1:48 Lavochkin La-5 (Montex SM48308)10+

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