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Urban Gardini (McCoy)



19 August 2015, 22:01
Wim van der Luijt
Looks interesting, count me in
 19 August 2015, 22:08
Urban Gardini Forfatter
Yeah but I must make you a bit disapointed as I don't know at the moment when I'll get down to start this project. I'm just putting down some projects now of planned builds in the future. But this ones probably the easyest one in the lot of future projects from my desk.
 19 August 2015, 22:11
Wim van der Luijt
no worries....if there ever is an update to the project I will see it
 20 August 2015, 07:44

Project info

1 bilder
1:72 Zlin Z-XII (RS Models 92041)

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