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Tommy Killander (tkillander)

SAAB JAS39C Gripen

Photo 1 of 6


2 September 2015, 07:50
Holger Kranich
Hi Tommy,

thats a nice build of a nice plane! Are the IRIS-T included in the box?
 2 September 2015, 09:23
Very good job!
 2 September 2015, 16:12
Łukasz Gliński
@ Tommy - nice Gripen, very neat
@ Holger - indeed it is:
 2 September 2015, 18:23
Tommy Killander Forfatter
Thanks 🙂 Yes, the IRIS-T is included. The LDP (Litening III) on the front pylon is not included in the kit, however.
 2 September 2015, 21:19
Ulf Petersen
Very nice Gripen, Tommy!👍
 3 September 2015, 05:40
Harry Eder
I like your Gripen! 👍 How was it to build?
 3 September 2015, 06:01
Soeren R.
Really nice build!
 3 September 2015, 06:31
soheil moghisi
Very nice.
 3 September 2015, 14:58
Tommy Killander Forfatter
@Harry, tbh the kit was quite demanding, it required lot of work.
 3 September 2015, 18:11
Michel Huijghe
I love it. I hope that the Belgian Government has the common sense and buy's the Gripen to replace the F-16 and don't buy the expensive F-35.
 3 September 2015, 18:38

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Revell 1/72 "Tiger meet" kit with aftermarket parts

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