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3 16 April 2017, 00:27
 16 April 2017, 07:28
Zsolt Czegle
Great work! 👍
 17 April 2017, 15:30
Choppa Nutta
 17 April 2017, 16:46
Nice little dio. Out of interest, do you know why it has rip saw on the side? Just seems an odd thing for an armoured car to have - is the Black & Decker Workmate inside?
 17 April 2017, 18:01
EnsignExpendabl Forfatter
Saws are pretty standard instruments for Soviet armoured vehicles, the T-34 has a big two-man one on the side. I suspect it's used in case you need to make The Log tankarchives.blogspot.ca/2016/03/the-log.html
 17 April 2017, 18:14
Thanks for clearing that up. Not being a tanky person I was a little confused.
 18 April 2017, 06:22
Oleg Mordasov
Very good dio!
 11 October 2017, 09:35
Rui S
Nice Vignette EnsignExpendabl 👍
I wonder what colour did you use to paint the interior? It seems a bit dark...
 11 October 2017, 12:44
Dan M
Nice one! Figures, weathering of the vehicle, the small dio, they're all very nicely done 👍
 11 October 2017, 12:54
EnsignExpendabl Forfatter
The inside of the turret is painted using the 4BO colour modulation set from Vallejo, the inside of the hull is painted with Golden Acrylic Titan Buff.
 17 October 2017, 20:36

Album info

The completed product.

33 bilder
1:35 BA-64(r) (MiniArt 35110)1:35 Staff Personnel (ICM 35612)1:35 Tank Crew at Rest (MiniArt 35009)

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