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kamal sabokbar
kamal sabokbar


Photo 1 of 11


7 May 2017, 04:46
Michael Phillips
Beautiful Flanker Kamal! This is my favorite Flanker scheme, and you did a fantastic job on it. Nice, crisp paintwork. Bravo!
 7 May 2017, 05:15
Mehdi Nader
Nice Painting , Very Cool ! Good Luck !
 7 May 2017, 05:26
kamal sabokbar Forfatter
Very grateful michael...I really like this Camouflage.But it was hard.
 7 May 2017, 06:26
kamal sabokbar Forfatter
besiyar mamnon hastam agha nader aziz...
 7 May 2017, 06:28
Alistair Graham
Great paint job. Must have been a nightmare with tape and scalpel. Masking is my most hated part of modelling.
 7 May 2017, 07:12
kamal sabokbar Forfatter
tanks alistair graham.I understand.But when it ends very fun
 7 May 2017, 08:06
beautiful Flanker. congratulations
 7 May 2017, 08:40
Dale Marston
 7 May 2017, 12:27
Stephan Ryll
Very nice work 👍
 7 May 2017, 14:31
Lex Jassies
Flawless Flanker Kamal!
 7 May 2017, 14:42
kamal sabokbar Forfatter
Very grateful...spanjaard-dale marston-stephan ryll-lex jassies
 8 May 2017, 04:51
Arash Zakeri
Like always wooooooow
 21 May 2017, 22:08
Oleg Bogolei
amazing work. hope one day to do it in 1/72....
 22 May 2017, 06:15
kamal sabokbar Forfatter
I did it on a scale of 1/72 a year ago.But I enjoyed more than 1/48
 15 July 2017, 10:28
Ed Froix
 15 July 2017, 11:41

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