F-4D Combat Air Museum Topeka
2 4 September 2017, 02:43

I'm having a little trouble getting the pictures off my phone. I'll look into this tomorrow. Surely more to follow! 🙂
4 September 2017, 04:07

Just in the right time! I started a Mig-21 project today and was looking for seat coloring references, thanks a lot!
4 September 2017, 06:28

Nice one Patrick. These sort of reference pictures are very hard to come by. Good quality as well. I am off to the RAF museum in London to do the same thing soon. Any requests ?
4 September 2017, 10:05

The Harrier and the Chinook would be nice! I'm going to upload a bunch of F-4 and F-14 pictures. The reason I visited Topeka.
4 September 2017, 12:49

OK, the pictures are getting here...as an uncontrolled bunch... I'll tend to it that the pictures get organized per exhibit and that, where neccesary, a cation is provided. Otherwise you would only be looking at a bunch of white(ish) plumbing and some assorted rivets and panels. 😉
4 September 2017, 15:52

awesome reference material! but maybe, just maybe it would be better if divided in several albums, one per object for example?
thanks a lot for sharing!
4 September 2017, 16:33

That's a good one Spanjaard! I will shuffle some pictures around.
4 September 2017, 16:42

Looking forward to it. Tim said in a post in the atomic cannon album that it is possible to move pictures from one album to another. But I never found out how. It should be a lot faster than uploading again!
4 September 2017, 20:11
Album info
I visited the Topeka Kansas Combat Air Museum and made a bunch of picture of exhibits that interested me. Poor selfish me... But still, I want to share them with you. This won't be my only visit. I don't know when I will revisit Topeka but please let me know about any particular pictures you wish.