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Tom Czx (tomcaz)

Thousand Sons army


10 September 2017, 06:56
Tom Czx Forfatter
Well... they look better IRL than in the pictures
 10 September 2017, 06:58
Alexander Grivonev
"they look better IRL than in the pictures"

they always do, Tom....always.

If i may give you a few tipps on model photography: never use flash, it's a no go. Make sure your model is well lit from all sides by using several lamps or what i prefer go outside into daylight, but not direct sunlight. Switch off the flash on your camera, play around with some of the lighting options on your camera (there are always some on any digital camera to make the pictures brighter/darker or adjust the colour a little bit) Use a tripod or make sure the camera is supported somehow when making photos otherwise they will become all blurry when you balance it in your hand. Try all this and you'll see instant improvement to your pictures. cheers, Alex
 10 September 2017, 08:57
Tom Czx Forfatter
Thank you a lot for all of these advices ! I will try to do better pics, indeed the light is bad and too much "yellow" ; have a nice day
 10 September 2017, 09:50

Project info

2 bilder
28mm Magnus the Red (Games Workshop 43-34)28mm Rubric Marines (Games Workshop 99120102063)

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