USS Kitty Hawk CV-63 elevator #1Se: Lysbildefremvisning Mosaikk Liste 1October 2, 2017 2October 2, 2017 3October 2, 2017 4October 2, 2017 5October 2, 2017 Kommentarer 2 2 October 2017, 10:50Choppa NuttaCool ! have you got a laser cutter then ? 🙂 2 October 2017, 10:59Ben Schumacher ForfatterSadly no - the parts were cut by a company specialized in architectural modelling. I just made the drawings. 2 October 2017, 11:01Patrick HagelsteinImpressive! 2 October 2017, 11:50SpanjaardImpressive indeed! 2 October 2017, 12:05Project infoUSS Kitty Hawk CV-63 elevator #15 bilder1:32PåbegyntAlle albumSe alle albumer »