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Lockheed TF-104G Starfighter gallery

Photo 1 of 11


7 3 October 2017, 18:34
Erik Leijdens
Amazing work in 144!!
 3 October 2017, 18:42
Stephan Ryll
Wonderful 👍
 3 October 2017, 18:48
Stunning little Starfighter and I'm really glad that you have chosen the right scheme. 👍
 3 October 2017, 18:51
Dave Flitton
I thought this was a 1/72nd build...awesome skills!
 3 October 2017, 20:33
Stefan Schacht
very nice 👍
 3 October 2017, 20:47
wow, i did not expect it to be 1/144!!! the picture with the tamiya paint got me completely off guard!!! what a tiny beauty.
 4 October 2017, 12:05
Choppa Nutta
very nice
 4 October 2017, 12:12
trl Forfatter
Thanks guys. I'm glad you like it.
 4 October 2017, 14:57
What paints did you use? I'm looking for alternatives to Revell and want to build the same kit and paint the same colors
 5 February 2020, 23:13
trl Forfatter
Undersides were painted with Gunze H307 and later brightened up with Gunze C069. Similarly on the top- first Tamiya XF-18 as base, then Tamiya XF-82.
 6 February 2020, 01:29
Thank you! What sort of weathering did you use? Are oil paints appropriate in this scale?

Absolutely smashing looking build btw, great work!
 6 February 2020, 12:25
This tiny plane looks amazingly good.
 6 February 2020, 16:55
Bart Goesaert
fantastic result...
 6 February 2020, 17:05
trl Forfatter
Thank you all for comments.

As for weathering- I used AK Interactive products i.e. Engine Grime and Fuels Stains. But you can go with oil paints if you wish.
 6 February 2020, 21:38
Thank you, can't wait to see more of your great work, it reminds me much of PLASMO
 7 February 2020, 04:23
Mike Grant
Nice work 👍
 7 February 2020, 04:31
Charlie Spitfire
 3 March 2022, 01:21

Project info

11 bilder
1:144 TF-104 G Starfighter (Revell 04008)

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