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Echo 8
Stefan Schacht (Echo 8)

M60 A3

Photo 1 of 38


4 25 December 2017, 20:20
Stefan Schacht Forfatter
Hi mates, here is another new project from me. I want to build the M60 out of the box with a small simple display. I used plywood and Styrodur for the display. Cheers Stefan
 25 December 2017, 20:30
Łukasz Gliński
I think I'll watch this 🙂
 25 December 2017, 21:01
Dave Flitton
 25 December 2017, 21:57
Stefan Schacht Forfatter
Thank you Łukasz and Dave, you are always welcome.
 26 December 2017, 10:20
Stefan Schacht Forfatter
Hello mates, here are some new pictures. The wooden frame for the base is painted and I started to build the road. I also continued to build on the tank. First I fixed the wheels with colorstop and then glued the chain together. So I can disassemble everything again for painting. Cheers Stefan
 31 December 2017, 00:50
i am in 🙂
 31 December 2017, 00:59
Zsolt Czegle
Ich bin auch dabei! 🙂
 31 December 2017, 12:35
Kim Branders
 31 December 2017, 13:30
Burkhard D
Auch interessant😎
 31 December 2017, 17:06
Stefan Schacht Forfatter
thanks mates.
 31 December 2017, 18:26
Łukasz Gliński
Thanks for the colorstop-hint, v.appreciated as I build tanks only occassionally 👍
 1 January 2018, 17:31
David Thor
In on this one. I really like that base you are building.
 1 January 2018, 17:54
Stefan Schacht Forfatter
Thank you Łukasz and David for your very kind comments. Here is the next update. The base is ready, except for some mud. I'll aplly it when I weather the tank. Althoughthe kit fits very well, next I will fill a few small gaps on the tank. Cheers Stefan
 2 January 2018, 19:41
Bastian Bäuerle
Amazing what you're doing in this scale!!!
 4 January 2018, 22:37
Stefan Schacht Forfatter
Hi mates, here is a new pic. Today I applied the filler and build the basket on the rear of the turret. Cheers Stefan
 4 January 2018, 22:43
Stefan Schacht Forfatter
thanks Bastian
 5 January 2018, 09:04
Stefan Schacht Forfatter
Hello friends, here are a few pictures from the model after assembling. Now the painting starts with the primer. I will mix the colors myself to paint the MERDC camouflage scheme. I use artists acrylic colors and wants to airbrush the camouflage scheme freehand for the first time. Cheers Stefan
 8 February 2018, 22:55
Łukasz Gliński
Looking forward to seeing the spraying results. Not sure if freehand is a good idea in the braille scale, but fingers crossed! 👍
 9 February 2018, 07:30
David Thor
Nice progress Stefan, really looking forward to the paintjob!
 9 February 2018, 07:32
I am sure it will be fabulous 🙂
 9 February 2018, 17:31
freehand, wow
 9 February 2018, 20:56
Stefan Schacht Forfatter
Thx mates for your interest. Today I mixed the two basic colors for the MERDC camouflage scheme. Then I used a plastic spoon to test the colors and airbrush a weathered look. I first used white instead of sand to test. I will mix the color in the next few days and weather the spoon with oil paints. Cheers Stefan
 9 February 2018, 21:02
Thomas K.
Hi Stefan, Is it not easier to buy the MERDC Color set von AK? You have the colors for all variants. Also the NEW Formular is great.
I have the same kit. I will build in nearly future😉
 9 February 2018, 23:19
Stefan Schacht Forfatter
Hi Thomas, thanks for the tip, I have not used the AK colors until now. I like the Vallejo and Hansa colors because I can do anything with them 🙂. The M60 is a very good kit, have fun 🙂
Cheers Stefan
 10 February 2018, 10:02
i agree with Stefan. why not mixing colors? no need to buy a hundred different boxes with "colors for xyz". you can not buy them all 🙂
 10 February 2018, 10:09
Thomas K.
I like the ammo of mig colors,. They have a good smooth and the color sortiment is was i need. The vallejo, i haved it, but they are to "plastic" and go close the airbrush Very fast. Also i am comfortable And DON'T like to Mix. It iis your opion what will you do. So i respect it too.
 10 February 2018, 14:16
of course Thomas. some people add details by scratch, other by after market, other not at all. with paints, it is exactly the same 🙂
 10 February 2018, 14:31
Stefan Schacht Forfatter
I think that there are now a number of good color systems available, so that everyone can find his way. Sometimes I also use a color set to try something 🙂
 10 February 2018, 14:46
Stefan Schacht Forfatter
Hi mates, here is a little update. This is the first step of painting the camouflage scheme. Cheers Stefan
 11 February 2018, 23:07

Project info

38 bilder
1:72 M60 A3 (Revell 03140)

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