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Dmitriy Andreeshchev (RoggyCGD)

"Dornier Classics" Project. Part III: The 18

Photo 1 of 8


9 July 2018, 07:52
this bring some memories.... of a long time ago. i did assembly this one back in the day. when i did not know even that putty existed and decided to paint in in a completely invented blue scheme... i remember that getting the wings and engine on the fuselage almost drove me crazy. never been so close to smash a model to pieces out of frustration. i guess i have more patience now! 😄 😄 i am sure you will make it look fantastic
 9 July 2018, 21:45
Aaaah how I loved the look of the Matchbox kit boxes. 🙂
 19 November 2018, 21:25
Dmitriy Andreeshchev Forfatter
Okay, so I was walking sideways in my room today, than in one moment I saw the plan on the wall, and a brilliant art-print of Shigeo Koike on other, so I couldn't resist it any longer, and now this project is on!
 19 November 2018, 21:25
Dmitriy Andreeshchev Forfatter
Added first build photos - for a start, some dry-build 🙂
 19 November 2018, 22:02
Daniel Klink
3 color kits rock 👍
 19 November 2018, 22:06
Erik Leijdens
Great subject! Good luck with it..😉
 19 November 2018, 22:21
certainly looking forward seeing this one done! 🙂
 19 November 2018, 23:51

Project info

8 bilder
1:72 Dornier Do G-1 (Matchbox PK-409)
Dornier Do 18V-7
3R Deutsche Luft Hansa AG (1926-1945)
South Atlantic Mail Service D-AANE, WNr.0677 Zyklon

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