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Christopher Mullins (cmullins)

Klingon D7 Battlecruiser


1 24 July 2018, 17:24
Jozef Goos
nice !
 27 July 2018, 13:07
Christopher Mullins Forfatter
Thank you
 28 July 2018, 08:27

Album info

Here is my KLingon D7 Battlecruiser. I painted as close as I could to how the original studio model was painted from pictures I found on the internet of the actual studio model, but I did add a couple of touches to it. One was I painted the chrome over with aluminum paint, painted green on the engine nacelles and red on the impulse in the back and front, how I've seen it on the series. I wasn't too satisfied with the quality of the model, but I think it built up all right, had to do some cutting, sanding and stuff to get the seems to look descent, could have done a lot more sanding actually, but I think it looks ok.

6 bilder
1:650 Klingon Battle Cruiser (AMT 720)
Klingon D7 Battlecruiser
KL Klingon Imperial Fleet

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