Dealing with my hanger issues. 1/48 Scratch built Hanger dio.

a 1/48 Puppet house? 😉
Ah ok now i got it 👍 Looks very cool gorby

Thanks everyone, I had great fun planning and building it, if you haven't done a dio before I very much recommend it.
@Wilky, I only used the 1/48 bits, I had to sieve out all that nasty 1/32 and 1/1 scale soil. Who knew my local hobby store was in the back garden!

@Coporado: Yes they are, but the don't work. I did consider fitting led bulbs in them but I eventually decided against it.

i honestly do not not know you you dared to do something like this gorbygould... how you dare to completely nail a fantastic diorama again? 🙂 man, this is truly impressive! i do not know if some pieces should be together or not , neither do i care. i love it as it is. funny that "owners guide to " in picture 1. to the stuka maybe? seriously great job on that roof and wooden beams. and of course all the rest of the details. great work on the figures. well the guy next to the 8.8 seems a bit stiff to be relax against the wall... sorry i had to do some rivet counting 😄 😄

May you share which material you did use for the lights? Had lots of test runs for 1/35 with aluminium foil (and lots of take away food) but unfortunately not satisfying (except the food) 🙂

Thanks very much Spanjaard, what a gent you are. The Haynes manual in pic 1 is actually for the Bf 109, but unfortunately my knackered old printer can't print fine enough for the picture to be made out clearly. I think the 'stiff' chap must have frozen on watch duty overnight and the others haven't noticed yet - he was never one for talking anyway. That's my story anyway. 😉
@Coporado: I'm not sure if you mean the light bulb or the light shade. The shade was made from 0.5mm plasticard made into a cone with the help of this site:
The round bit on the top of the cone are 1/48 British helmets left over from my last dio. The whole lot was then spayed with Alclad Steel.
The bulb is just a piece of clear sprue filed to shape and polished. On closer inspection it doesn't look like a bulb of course, but it's fine for what I need. Hope that helps.

Thanks for sharing that interesting method, will give that a try definitely

Thanks very much Moritz. I've some way to go before I get to your level though. 🙂

I like the hangar, i like the Natter, the people on the diorama. It's cool. I agree with "it don't has to be historical accurate". There must be a way of "everything is allowed". Like your thinking. I'm just looking at the pictures and what I see. If it's well built, who cares, what's not 100% right?

Thanks mates! 🙂
Christian: I haven't got a problem if some people want historically accurate models, but it isn't something that interests me. There's not a lot in life that I take seriously and modelling certainly isn't one of them. I tend to go with the 'If I like it then it's fine' line of thought. 😉

Very nice idea with a lot of detail and of cause great craftsmanship 🙂 I like it a lot 👍

Thanks very much everyone. 🙂
Christian: It's all too easy to miss stuff on Scalemates. I've long thought it would be good to have a 'Completed Builds' tab at the top of the page, which only has finished projects. It would make it much easier to find them.

Thanks very muck mates! 🙂
Shawn: I didn't know that I could until I tried, give it a go, you might surprise yourself. At the very least you'll learn from your mistakes - as I did from my first dio.

Very nice work! I admire the people who dare scratchbuild (I don't (yet))

Thanks Jean- Michel. With your modelling skills you should have no problem scratch-building. Give it a go, if you're anything like me you'll love it. 🙂

Looking great, there's a lot I like and one thing that I don't like. I love the loo with Charlie Chaplin as the Dictator but look at #20, the propeller and the canopy frame is sort of floating in the air over the grass.

It's a well know fact that due to war time shortages the Luftwaffe ran low on gravity as well as fuel. round the side by the woodshed was considered to be the ideal place to borrow some gravity for places where it was more in need - like holding down sheep so that they didn't drift away as small clouds.
Really, honest. 😉

I think this one deserves to be put back to the top agen for all to see even if the soil isent right and there is a few rivets missing
Fantastic work

Thanks very much Jv. 🙂
If you'd like to see more/different photos of it:
Feeble excuse to post some pics of previous builds | Album by gorby

When I see nice builds like this I always look at other builds the person has done
I see you have done some very nice builds
This one is just so much in one
I would have to say the hanger is something else
Very well done and makes it interesting
In this there is so much to look at all very well done
Thanks for sharing
Album info
Rivet counters are advised to give this one a miss. You know it's only going to upset you.
I've been itching to scratch build something for quite some time now. I thoroughly enjoyed building my RAF hut last year. And as a cross section through a building shows more of it's contents, I wanted to try something similar, but on a grander scale. As I build quite a few Luftwaffe subjects I decided to build some sort of rough and ready field hanger based on a barn like structure that most competent chippies at the time would be able to cobble together relatively easily and quite quickly. After I'd already come to this decision I found something similar online which helped.
If some of the models look familiar, that's because this is more of a photo prop rather than a finished diorama. The models are all old builds and they will change over time. So you will be seeing this again in the future.
It's 1/48 scale and it took four months in total to build, but I was doing quite