Messerschmitt Bf109G-6 in Swiss Service
49 9 January 2019, 17:04

Kristall klare und absolut saubere Lackierung (und erfrischenderweise nicht LW). Hut ab.
12 April 2021, 10:02

Lol, where did you dig out this ancient album 😄 Thx mates
12 April 2021, 15:36

Wow that blew up quickly. Thx mates, I also like the livery. Something different in contrary to the usual grey green sludge.
14 April 2021, 06:56

It definitely does! Doesn't hurt to revive an album once in a while. 😉
I really appreciate the cleanliness of this build/scheme. The Swiss used their Bf-109 fleet extensively for patrolling their borders, but they operated in very clean and well maintained environments. Sometimes replacement parts were colored differently, but always clean and well kept. Good to see you took this into account and took weathering to the utmost minimum. 👍
21 April 2021, 14:10

Another unbelievable build Alex G! Looking forward to a detailed instructional Album next. I got SO MUCH from that Lamborghini build a couple of years ago!
29 April 2021, 02:09

Awesome, my fav 109 camo 👍 I have to build one in the future too.
29 April 2021, 07:51

@Thomas: Gruezi, you're welcome 🙂
@Slavo: the stripes might have come in handy a bit later 😄
29 April 2021, 11:03

Wow, that really took off. A real pleasure to see that a project of yours which you never found to be absolutely anything special is met with so much approval. Many thanks @all!
2 May 2021, 19:26
Album info
AZ model kit