Trumpeter F9F Panther 1:48
Photo 1 of 52
1 2 April 2019, 11:56

Sweet work so far mate, I've built one of these and have two more started, nice kits to build.👍
4 April 2019, 10:01

Thanks Michael & Sebastian , Unfortunately, the decals are not so perfect, some is patched and the folding mechanism probably needs more stability, but I've improved everything with the Eduard parts
4 April 2019, 10:05

Danke Thomas, die Drohne ist sicher wegen der Farben sehr interessant, die F9 F ist ja schon in deinem Vorrat, fehlen noch die Eduard Teile, ich hoffe das wird kein Problem bei der Beschaffung 👍
6 April 2019, 06:06
Album info
2 days of relaxation building, F9F Panther 1:48 by Trumpeter + Eduard No. 49378, Jet's are fast and I then fast with the models