Italeri 1:35 Pink Panther
10 July 2019, 13:57

A friend showed me a picture of one of these in real life and I just laughed, pink? But the military makes lots of strange decisions. I'm Following along mate! looking good.
10 July 2019, 18:13

In the very specific area these vehicles operated, it blended in perfectly with the red rocks and sand. in the lush green landscape where British military shows are held, they are quite out of place! 😄
10 July 2019, 18:24

Thanks for the info, @Patrick. Anyway, feel free to give me comment, advice, or something about my works. I'll appreciate it. Technically, I'm still newbie in this activity, especially on painting. Thanks
11 July 2019, 16:14

Plus the pink, dirties up really quick and ends up blending in.
IIRC most RAF aircraft that went to the gulf the first time around were painted the same colour which soon faded to the sandy dirt we're all used too.
14 July 2019, 10:35

@Augie wow, nice info. I never expect that RAF use pink color too for their aircraft
14 July 2019, 15:34

Augie is absolutly right! Just look up some First Gulf War Tornado, Buccaneer and Jaguar pictures.
14 July 2019, 16:32

The box next to the machine gun is for spent ammunition. That is to leave no trace. Back in those days, the SAS was never there...
14 July 2019, 16:35

@Patrick well, I will Google it later. Btw, I never expected that box is used for spent ammunition. Thanks!
14 July 2019, 17:06

To everyone, I just completed this kit. I know I really far from perfect. But I don't know what should I do first to make it better. Hopefully, I want constructive comment or advice in order to help me build better. Thanks!
14 July 2019, 17:09

Well, what needs improvement according to yourself? If so, we can help you from there.
14 July 2019, 17:49

Well, for assembly, basically I think I still lack of skill about cutting, gluing, and removing the seam lines. About painting, I still got problem in technique and mixing color with thinner
14 July 2019, 18:08

I've built 40+ vehicles and what I've found is just doing it, (and possibly messing up) is the quickest way I've learned. I still have a heck of a time with paint ratios... And #1, just have fun and build...
14 July 2019, 19:09

@Chris yes that's true. Technically, learning by doing is one of the good way. But I don't know if the way I do is a good or not. Anyway, 40+ vehicles you built is so amazing. Me, just done 5 kits outside Gunpla/Gundam.
15 July 2019, 04:28

@Bob Cool. Makes me wanna build it. But is there any range rover 1:35 kits?
16 July 2019, 04:07