Chevrolet Corvette C6 - WIP
1 15 July 2019, 11:50

Sure Brother 😉
After completed the Audi i worked on the Corvette. Step by step painted details, mounted parts or decals...It looks like a homerun. It fits well, easy to built and so on. Like that kit!
On the interior I choosed to different black and painted some aluminum parts, to give those boring "all black interior" a small different touch.
On the engine I choosed the white from the body for the pretty nice covers.
worth mentioning is that the chassis was heavily warped and I cling to the interior with clinging. Otherwise, all parts fitting very well.
Coming along nicely
2 August 2019, 14:03

This last picture looks beautiful! Good to see this tinted strip on the top. Have to remember to do this on mine too.
The interior looks good! Are there decals for the sound system too or did you paint it? Looks great!
2 August 2019, 16:23

I think the lights at the front aren't done so far. Watch for the turn signals😉
2 August 2019, 16:25

Thanks Bro. I've done all decals incl the sound system.
Don't be worry, the details (f.e. markings, lights) on the body should be done after the marriage 😉
3 August 2019, 04:12

Made some work before holiday.
Marriage chassis and body, painted details on the body and mounted nice wheels. Didn't liked the small wheels from the kit .
8 August 2019, 06:41

Work is done. a couple weeks ago I completed this beauty - and missed upload pictures in an album.
Thanks for all comments!
29 October 2019, 20:35